I really hate must-have racials

Shadowmeld is awesome! Can’t really picture myself playing any other Druid after playing Night Elf. It fills in for the one thing Druids lack, a vanish!

My frustrated past self just shook a frustrated fist at ye olde shadowmeld->fight form escape route foiling my pvp efforts! (…then coming back as feral and annihilating me)

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I don’t know who you are, but I actually dislike you for your shady AF opinion.

Hey, our passive haste is pretty good, sure, not as good as trolls berserk but it is noticeable when ya play non goblins and troll characters. Rocket Jump is actually pretty damn fun and life saving in pve and pvp (cant count how manytime geting knocked off a ledge and panic hit rocket jump to save my green hide) and having Gobber available to dump mats into is a blessing…

And vendor discounts are a nice perk.

Rocket Barrage… eh… Rocket Barrage is absolute trash. Time for shameless plug

There isn’t one that appeases both. Racials should have all racial identity divorced of them and they should be put into categories based on how impactful they are to gameplay, much like the old glyph system. Then either prevent changing them too often by some means to prevent gimmicks like swapping to diplomacy for reputation gains, or cut out ones like that and take only the major ones that can alter gameplay significantly like steroid cooldowns (Berserking, Blood Fury, EMFH/WOTF).

Perhaps like a flavor category for the mole machine, vulpera tent racial, diplomacy, voodoo shuffle or whatever it’s called, goblin discount or even their bank because it’s really not as big as it used to be, etc. A “minor” category which are passives like the stat boost racials like goblin haste, worgen crit, etc that are nice but not make or break. Then a major category which is the stuff like mentioned earlier that everyone gripes over having or not having.

Though if you’re going to offer EMFH or WOTF, you should just revert EMFH to its Wrath through WoD iteration where it was a free pvp trinket but don’t make it usable in PvP, make it a raiding thing.

Yeah, you’ll get cookie cutter racial line ups, everyone with a brain is going to pick the best steroid cooldown racial and whatever their best secondary stat passive gain is then yolo on a flavor one unless it’s situationally useful like Diplomacy when doing dailies which would be a meta pick then so probably just remove it tbh but at this point you can’t avoid it. People always do what they consider to be the best thing, and games are at the point of being solved before being released. You can only avoid this by not even having the option in the first place, meaning removing all racials which frankly I’m more in favor of over yet another convoluted system that at the end of the day isn’t anything new because people who have been around and are remotely attentive would realize I just suggested the Cataclysm glyph system which was the Wrath one just with a third category and unlocking glyphs permanently rather than needing a new one with every swap.

I pick a race based what I think looks the best. I think Draenei look cool so I pick them.

Unironically it was in Cataclysm. If you were an Arcane Mage it actually was fairly close to on par with berserking if you weren’t popping berserking on cooldown which was a pain in the butt to play around because it was so disjointed from your other cooldowns due to its 3 minute cooldown when your windows as arcane came every two. Meaning they aligned at start, and the 6 minute mark into a fight if you used it on cooldown.

That reason alone was why I played a goblin arcane mage instead of a troll and was still able to pull 95+ percentile parses in a heroic raiding guild back when heroic was the highest difficulty among a swarm of metamonkeys on Troll or Gnomes if they were Alliance.

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Who remembers that a reason on the dropdown menu for unsubscribing was “will of the forsaken nerf”?

The problem is trying to hammer the RPG square peg into the competitive round hole. You have to choose one or the other, you can’t have both.

My personal preference would be for the game to not be taken seriously from a competitive perspective, so we can have racials, abilities, talents, etc that are somewhat broken/imbalanced but fun. Going down the competitive rabbithole turns everything dull and grey because any difference that yields even the slightest edge will become the “standard”, and so nothing can be meaningfully different.

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Lmao what? Theres no chance to resist in retail

As people have said, orc racial is a stun duration reduction now which is pretty big in a game where most burst windows in PvP, especially arena will revolve around a long stun. In Legion, Orc racial + relentless made all stuns half duration.

If pvp is really more about skill, then disable ALL racials when Warmode is on and in BGs.

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Yeah, which is why you go for stuff like Stoneform now that Dps racials are mostly balanced.

Its not just pvp bro, its pve as well. Horde racials are INSANE compared to alliance racials.

There is no good solution to it that will not upset a good amount of people.

IMO, if i was king for a day at blizzard the way i would fix it would be.

-racials do not work in M+, Mythic raid, or Rated PVP.

Yeah you are gonna upset some people but to bad. PVP is woefully unbalanced because of racials with some races being insanely good and others being horrible.

Nah, not everyone cares enough about WarCraft 3 that they’d ever accept giving male night elves one of the worst racials in the game and female night elves one of the best. How is that fair to druids, who already have that spell?

If they ever get rid of Shadowmeld they’d better take it away from both sexes

I never felt pressured to roll a certain race because of its racial. It’s not that big of a deal.