I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Hahaha i need a version of my dwarf like this.

But that is what you wanted…

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Yeah and I care about it anyway. Sue me

He is canonically straight. He likes Dwarven and Draenei women


If I had my way in these matters a mature discussion would happen, but I’m not gonna get that on any public WoW discussion area with reach. So I’ll just be selective in which comments I engage.

Exactly, this is why I hate these kinds of posts. They tarnish the reputation of gay people like me in the WoW community.

You really shouldn’t generalize people based off a few trolls, posts like these hurt people like me who are actually gay.

Thank you! someone who agrees with me.

This is why I don’t even like going on the forums, I show up one day and a troll makes a topic about someone being “gay” As if there already aren’t a ton of stereotypes against the lgbtq community, they are further adding fuel to the fire.


This has been addressed if you read the rest of the thread.

Yeah, I am not reading almost 200 posts about someone’s headcanon about a character who already has a canon sexuality

There has been threads that ended up with a lot of constructive discussion, but If you’ve read the first several posts of the author you can tell that they’re not wanting a constructive discussion.

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we all know anduin is gay so please kill him and bring it back our king Varian.


You missed my point. You can’t use the argument that their relationship is the most stable or whatever, because of the fact that they’re video game characters.

That was part of a questline showing us the past and how tragedy struck their wedding. I mean in the more “casual” sense that random 2 npcs ask each other out…never happened. The drustvar “wedding” was more of a part of the zone to show the lore, curse of the witches, etc…aka used as a story element rather then the focus of the plot.

Yep, here we go just blatant homophobia after being told off as that being a baseless accusation.

FINE. Their FICTIONAL relationship out of all the FICTIONAL relationships in WoW

That do it for you sunshine?

You sure are doing a lot to help peoples’ view of the gay community lol. The sheer amount of aggression coming from you when I’ve not been aggressive towards you in the slightest is astounding. And all because I don’t agree with you on this topic, or take parts of your argument and say this or that.

Do better.


Not that one. I’m talking about Thrall and Aggra.

That whole questline was basically just some veiled pre-marriage council set up by Fandral Staghelm lmao, went all over the world fixing his spirit.


Boohoo at this rate. I never said I was a role model

Why would you make a comment suggesting they kill a character for being gay? You are just the worst.

Christie Golden is also part of the BLizzard Creative team . She has worked for Blizz as an employee since 2017 .

Never done it or heard of it, then again I’ve barely done horde content so not surprised. Where do you do it?