I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Its a bit funny out of all the relationships in Warcraft. Flynn and Shaw have one of the most stable


Wouldn’t that make most of them bi-sexual instead?

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And this is solved one of two ways:

PvP specific stats on PvP gear.


Lower iL PvP gear with stats how they are now. That are scaled UP in item level to a set item level, that is determined by whether it’s the honor or conq set. With no upgrade tiers of course.

Also, it wouldn’t be the easiest way since conq gear would be the best obv, and generally speaking, people are awful at PvP, so it would actually end up taking longer.

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I’m pretty sure Anduin is not gay.

However, especially after the Wrathion encounters in the Cloak quest?

Anduin is at least gay curious, even if it were only once.

And that is not a given either. Anduin was having fun flirting with Wrathion.
Wrathion however may have thought that Anduin was both available and interested.

I honestly don’t see him making that permanent change in life directions, however.

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Well since sexuality is a spectrum I suppose, but I would like Anduin to lean into preferring a partnership with a man in 10.0

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It’s literally a video game… they aren’t real people…

Nobody cares about gay characters.


I’d rather read about it in books. When I load up the game I’d rather be stabbing a demon or saving the world from a bad guy.

:white_large_square: :white_square_button: :white_large_square: :white_square_button: :white_large_square: :white_square_button:

Provably untrue considering the frankly unexpected amount of nearly instant replies, but believe whatever you want. This is Autoshot btw. People thought I was baiting them so I switched to main.

Here’s a thought.

What would Anduin prefer?

Why do you get more say than him in his life?

Yes, Anduin is a written character.
This fact does not change that if anyone gets final say in Anduin’s life choices?

It’s Anduin.

Oh I agree. I really enjoy them as a couple and the role they play in the story, I’ve been noticing a theme where I like Taelia, Valtrois, Shaw and Flynn, Lillian Voss characters who maybe aren’t as major as say Anduin a lot more than the main characters.

So while I get where OP is coming from I’d like for Blizzard to do more stories with like that tier of characters anyways if that makes sense? Idk if it’s because their better at writing those characters to me or if they just benefit from not getting the spotlight (and the main characters who get the spotlight Sylvanas, Baine, Anduin) kinda aren’t my fav for various reasons at this point

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I care


It was subtle clearly, but still there. WoW has never shown ingame 2 npcs asking the other out, its world of WARcraft after all. Romance has no real place when there’s blood to be shed every year.

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you have made trollish comments all throughout - you literally stated your purpose in the opening.


how about we stop throwing woke garbage into video game just to please the 1% crowd and focus on core issue with WoW.

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As if that’s not true if they actually made the decision. :laughing:

bro, we literally attended someone’s wedding and helped them piece their love’s soul back together.


This is what I meant when I was talking to the community ambassador. This kind of comment.


We play wingman to a Pandaren Spice merchant and the guy in love with her in Drustvar, there’s even a wingman feat in garrisons…


You mention gay relationships and suddenly everyone is like WOW ISN’T ABOUT ROMANCE IT’S ABOUT XYZ. Ok. Then don’t post here, but you’re wrong.