I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Then accept my apology.

The idea that all LGBTQ+ people have to be BEACONS of goodness and hope or hating them is justified is such a bad take and I see it so much.


It’s an alliance and horde quest. It starts in hyjal


But then you complain when people don’t like you. Or have a negative perception of the community that you’re apart of…

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Are you talking about another Void elf hunter that shall not be named , that used to make multiple threads like this .

The cheevos didn’t match up but this could be another account of theirs .

I had no choice in what I was born as. I’d rather people not like me for my actions over something I had no control in


It would at least be something new.

Again is there any way I can verify that I am not this individual? Am I more, or less articulate? Do I speak a different way? I’m tired of being called whoever this is. I’m willing to voice chat if someone knows their voice.


I honestly hope not. Not because I hate gay people or LGBTQ+. In fact I support their cause. But looking to corporations, ESPECIALLY BLIZZARD, to try and show some kind of representation to these groups is just corporate pandering to get people to spend money on their products instead of actually support the cause.

These companies don’t give a damn about you

You know a character doesn’t HAVE to have your same ethnicity nor sexual orientation to be relatable or likable.

Hell, I can relate to some female characters or gay characters in other games because they’re three-dimensional people. Making a character gay for the sake of being gay seems disingenuous to the people they’re trying to appeal to.



I’m not saying that they have to be. What I’m saying is that they don’t have the right to complain about people not liking them or having a certain view of that community, when they themselves help solidify that dislike or perception.

It’s like me wanting to borrow money from someone, and they don’t want to lend it to me because I won’t pay them back. Then I go on to get upset because they won’t lend me the money.


Yay! Kittens!

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And he likes Taelia Fordragon. Which seems like a good candidate for an heir.


Gay people can fancy people of the opposite sex. Sexuality is a spectrum.

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Not for me, stop speaking in behalf of the queer community. You don’t represent us.

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Yea no, people are human beings if you want to attack their flaws and moral characters go ahead, but if you’re going to try justifying attacking an entire group of people based off what are seemingly in reality, just petty arguments? Yea no that’s bigotry straight up.

To do an equal equivalence what if I started saying all straight people are bad because there are bad people that are straight people?


So you choose to be rude to people instead? WHILE making sure people know you’re part of that community? Do you not see how people will start to look negatively at the community because of your actions, in conjunction with openly associating yourself with it? It works the same way in every other community in the world.

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