I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

I haven’t frequented this forum in 8 years.


Umm…that’s never happened ingame therefore not cannon to me. Honestly sounds like a fan fiction some people really want badly because trolls like OP. That’s as good as saying “old gods are immortal and will be back”…no they will not. In-game lore proves and shows Valeera was crushing on him hard and Shaw was sending messages right back, otherwise they wouldn’t have been so close together in the bfa cutscene.

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That’s the thing, it’s not bait whatsoever. I want Anduin to be gay in 10.0 with a male partner. I would feel very welcomed by that canonical decision.


:eyes: :deer:

PvP should be the best way to gear for PvP? Like what? Not a single person cares if PvP gear is lower item level than PvE gear. The problem is disgustingly OP TRINKETS from PvE that destroy PvP. Having item level matter so much in PvP is what ruins it.

One honor and conq. No upgrade tiers. I forgot to add what they did in WoD, which was have both sets scaled to item level X. Which should be equivalent to heroic raid and mythic raid item level.

That of course wasn’t even needed when there were PvP specific stats like power and resil.


I know better than to trust anyone’s word on this forum but I wish you good luck if you are being genuine I suppose


I really like the Shaw and Flynn story they have done and applaud them for that, I’d like a Horde side story to be told too but overall I’m kinda liking the less main characters more lately

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They were not close. They were just talking.

I’m also reading articles about valeera and they make no mention of this “crush”

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How else can I prove that I’m not a usual suspect? I don’t even know how that would work. I’ll gladly provide whatever details necessary.


The books are Canon. You can say they aren’t all you want but they are. Confirmed by blizzard.

Roughly 60% of the lore nowadays is from the books.

Also, Valeera flirted more with Calia during the Shadowlands prevent than she ever did with Shaw.

I’d like to see some Horde gay leaders. But everyone seems to focus on Anduin.

Christie didn’t acknowledge Anduin’s sexuality in a book, she did so on Twitter. Is Twitter canon?


Let 'er buck!

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No. If there was no scaling EDIT: upgrading, not scaling, pvp would be the best way to gear in ALL ASPECTS OF THE GAME.

Why bother with raids if you can just get max ilvl gear from pvp without the rng?

You really can’t, it’s the fault of bad actors more than yourself. After seeing so many threads you kind of start to assume that about 80% of general discussion is trolling.

He has a fling in Goldshire in one of the books with a Draenei lady IIRC… there’s also a certain affair he has with a nice Dwarven aviator in MoP as well.

You can’t pickup on it through my rhetoric? The way I type?


yea… and we cant use the words used to describe what those children are on these forums cause they are considered insults. So sure lets assume they will write that into a story that is so deep you couldnt drown in it.

What do you expect .

You made this thread just to get that kind of reaction .


Many gay people have “straight” flings. That says nothing.

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