I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Characters should not be gay just because “we don’t have a gay character.”

That’s called tokenism and it’s worse, IMO, than exclusion, since it tends to lead to a character being a stereotype and it makes his gayness his whole identity.

If Blizzard wants to add a gay character, fine, so long as that character is a well rounded character but I’m 100% against taking an established character and then trying to smash in “oh by the way, he’s gay.”


I just linked that cutscene to someone else, it was a flirting moment between Shaw and Valeera clearly. She was giving big hints at wanting to spend time with him and he in a way agreed without saying her name. It was clear they were crushing on each other hard.

You’re entitled to have that opinion. I don’t think that of myself.

Everyone is gay. So what’s the problem? Do you need to watch it?

God the straights are dense if that’s what they picked up in that conversation


No, because then pvp becomes the defacto best way to gear up for pvp lol.

The comprise before was you had lower ilvl gear than pve.

But you complained pve players dominated you in pvp.

So they added upgrades for pvp gear. But this caused a massive issue for people trying to pvp gear after the first few months of the xpac.

You’re not wrong, Walter. But I can say the same about our own community much of the time. WoW is full of boomers though so it’s a bit worse.

You called people, who you don’t know, at all, homophobes because they don’t want a character to be gay, in the name of inclusion.

WHILE insulting them in other ways more passive agressively.

Just chill out. If Blizz wants to make a character gay, or make a gay character from scratch, then they’ll do it.


This was my stance on it for a while, and I didn’t like how it took Anduin punching Wrathion in the mouth for people to suddenly flock in and ship them together. It felt undeserved at the time.

that said, im more open to the idea, but I’m wouldn’t be able to explain why. If Anduin turned out to be bi, I’d be ok with that.

I’m not sure if I’d ship him with Wrathion straight off the bat, I’d like to see some chemistry between them first that didn’t involve domestic violence

Shaw and Flynn literally kiss and establish they are in a relationship.

Are you okay?


Dont freaking call me that


He idolized a character who he now has to acknowledge is a homosexual and that makes him uncomfortable. This vibe check is why I want Prince Anduin to be openly gay in 10.0 – people would surface themselves in this sense.

Wrathion is a child. Yes, he looks older than he is, but he is still a child. People tend to forget that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s a reference to The Big Lebowski, also sorry if I offended you.

Anyone who watched the Mop cloak line and says with a straight face they WEREN’T flirting, I will likely ask them to imagine anduin was a girl and watch it again and say it again.

I bet they won’t. They were 100% flirting throughout that questline.


Sorry wasn’t aware and I’m just agitated

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You’ve got about a 2.5% chance of being right (here on Earth), probably way less in a warrior based society. That’s figuring 5% or less LGBTQ total and giving you half of them being male. But as brow beaten as the game runners are in this clusterputz, you’ll probably get your wish.

Reeeeeee? That’s you projecting heh heh.

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Why does this remind me of a certain other elf’s threads?


It’s the undercurrent of the entire expansion and people absolutely cannot handle the idea. lol

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138 replies in 1 hour? Dear god this is some great bait and i haven’t read a single part of this thread.

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