I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

you arnt saying anything but deflecting

Anduin and Wrathion, or Anduin and Sylvanas - either scenario is A-OK with me!

He looks gay, but all the Alliance characters look gay to me so what do I know?

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Looks gay vs being gay

what makes him look gay? Go into depth

He could be gay too. I haven’t asked him so I can’t assume.

Sexual orientation shouldn’t be important to the narrative, it’s a game about conflict and war, if you include a gay character and later his partner or the character dies, that’ll trigger a riot against Blizzard, it’s better when we don’t involve the sexual/romance element for this game.

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No they are actually made by Left wing Obiden followers…there is so much hate in the liberal party.

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Pushing the agenda as always…

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I would prefer if Anduin was sautéed with butter onions and mushrooms.

You can’t do that … without adding some garlic

I was going to add durian.

Anduin doesn’t need to be straight to keep his heritage. He just needs a son or daughter.

However, I fail to see how Anduin turning gay would be interesting narratively. But then again, I fail to see how anything Human related is interesting narratively, so…

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Nope, don’t need to promote this stuff.


wouldn’t care if there are gay characters but make it make sense. Anduin doesn’t have to be gay. He’s a sensitive guy but he’s not gay and trying to force it makes guys seem like they have to be gay if they are sensitive guys. Only guys that are alpha male can be straight.

see how that works?

I get your point. You want a main character to be gay. That’s okay, but make it make sense, like honestly I always thought Khadgar was gay. I dunno why, but ya.

Anyways, I do hope you get more representation, but let’s not do things that don’t align, sometimes it can make things worse.

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I… personally don’t care who gets representation. I just want good characters regardless. I don’t know why so many people are hyper focused on who other people are having sex with, seems like something a 15 year old would worry about.


Nah, don’t need this.

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pretty sure his VP is literally pro-conversion therapy. even the (people in white hoods) makes claims that they aren’t racist or don’t hate african americans. veiling things is how it is done these days even for extremist groups.

I thought we had established that Anduin had a thing for cough Older Women cough.

You know that on some level he had a kink whenever Sylvanas called him “Young Lion”.

Cough King James cough yes that King James… The Bible King James cough Google George Villiers cough

I wouldn’t mind if Anduin was a gay character at all, I just hope he is able to recover from the whole jailer thing quick. Tired of seeing them destroy good characters because they aren’t edgy enough lol.