I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

My television has gay people in just about every commercial I see now. Idk what more y’all want. We get it. Y’all exist. My god


Why does the preference of someone have to matter in every single thing in society today, it does not matter who or what you prefer, especially in a video game. Then the alphabet soup group wants to act like they aren’t seen or oppressed, hell you are the loudest, we get it.

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what tv broadcasts are you running? that’s a pretty predominant factor there. marketing will be vastly different depending on the average demographic. for example, I’ll go over with the fam and see not a zilch of that but you might be different depending on what you run.

YouTube TV on my firestick.

but which networks? that’s what I’m asking.

cool cool, so they can just make every character gay or trans or non-binary but not make an announcement for it. And when people go “Why is everyone gay” we can say “why does the preference matter? especially in a video game” so why are you complaining. You’d be surprised how many people only say “it doesn’t matter” when it conforms to their preference.

Anyone of them. It doesn’t matter. They’re all the same. From sports networks to whatever the hell it is my girlfriend is watching. If what you’re saying is true then maybe they base the ads off their demographics. I’m guessing people who are a lot younger use YouTube tv rather than regular cable.

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Yea unfortunately I cannot give you an accurate answer about why you see all that then. All ads are targeted in some way these days.

I figured that anyway

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Actively making someone gay, lesbian, trans, potato, toaster, whatever the hell they want to be is forcing your ideals on to something which is the very thing apparently the group fights against…Bit ironic.

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So… What you’re saying is… that it does matter?

See how that works. Just cause it’s “the norm” or “natural” doesn’t mean it should be the only thing used.

Why does sexual identity need to be in WoW? Makes no sense nor does it even matter. Why does it need to be forced into the story? Literally every day the gay community is crying to add their sexual identity into every…single…thing…Why? We get it, we hear and see it, wonderful. But forcing it literally makes no sense and have no place.

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Eh…Flint and Mathias say differently

Thats all I have to say to that one. I couldn’t care less if he is or isn’t…I just want it to be good story. If its suddenly Anduin in the middle of a fight with BBEG #567 looks over to Jaina and Greymane and says “Oh its time I say i am coming out of the closet” well…that would drive me insane because it makes no sense. Otherwise, cool dude. Don’t care about if someone is gay or straight impacts 0 on the story to me. Those that hate it because “zOMg gOd wOKe!” are just sad sad people

fixed it for you.

Just like in the real world, I don’t care if people are gay or straight. It doesn’t change anything for me. I don’t think it’s something that needs to be a focus of any character. There are too many people out there that are not mature enough to touch on this topic in a video game.

FFS, they are having to institute a “Social Contract” into things just to get people to act civil towards each other in-game. Ever go outside? People can’t even manage civility in the real world.

I witnessed the depths humanity will go on this topic when I gave away my adopted daughter at her wedding to her now wife in one of the first same-sex marriages in our state.

Society needs to grow up a little first.


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