I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

You forgot Thrall + Vol’jin before Aggra. Also the Shadowpan warrior who accompanies you in the Townlong Steppes. Lore’themar Theramon and all male Blood Elves–a bunch of drama queens. Khadgar + Albus Dumbledore.

Prince Anduin had a close relationship with his Dwarven bodyguard Aerin Stonehand and then Sylvanas Windrunner (Restored General Ranger of Silvermoon). Anduin stayed behind in the Shadowlands forsaking his duty as High King of the Alliance to redeem himself by helping Sylvanas (whose soul was restored and she returned back to General Ranger of Silvermoon) redeem herself in the Maw freeing every captured soul. Those two really had a connection in Shadowlands and it wasn’t the domination magic! Anduin (Alliance: Elune) + Sylvanas (Horde: Earth Mother) = Tragedy of Romeo + Juliet.

imagine a smurf warrior though

I honestly feel romance in anything but romantic comedy’s, story’s, or games should be pretty much left out of fantasy type orc bash elf in head with rock type of settings anyway.

The question that presents it self and only question really is: What does it do for you or the game to have any X npc in love? When you present it this way it all comes off as a woke, look at me agenda REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i did it mom I got them to put a gay npc in the game.

But you said it would be interesting: What is interesting about it? Also on that fact what other npcs are in love or even flaunt or push there sexual preferences out there? Anything that was ever even slightly romantic got brushed to the way side as it stands:

Jania loved Arthas: NEVER mentioned aside a passing at best in game, the fact she was with Kalec was never even mentioned in game and for all she know she is now gay or not but again what does it matter?

Nathanos loved Sylvanas - There was never any sexual drama between them and they NEVER EVEN mentioned it in game: Again there is no suggesting she even liked him in game let alone does she like men, or women?

My point is the straight npcs are not out there flaunting LOOK AT ME I AM HETEROSEXUAL! so why should a gay npc even exist? None of these npcs are flaunting who, or what they want/do so how would him coming out as gay, as asked do anything? and how would he do so without it being some big type look at the spot light agenda type announcement?

It doesn’t matter: In fact it doesn’t matter outside of the game if you are into men, women, water melons, whatever why does everything need to be a spot light moment and why can’t we just be happy with regardless of who or what we love why do we need others to approve of it?

From your “bonus” line, it’s safe to say your intentions were never good for this post.

I genuinely hope Anduin is attracted to elderly furries

It’s called Fantasy because its about wish fulfillment for things that do not exist in the real world like True Love or Eternal Love.

I think its called Fantasy because there is an orc running around with two shovels and a pink shirt around chasing down maw rats in an eternal prison of the damned that was commanded by a shirtless robot god thing? I mean at least that is wow fantasy I must have missed the part where we chased down true loves first kiss.

I must have missed the part where any characters orientation was important whatsoever to the lore of a fantasy game about war.

This seems like an outright bait thread


how can tracer be gay if she has a boyfriend?

Tholo and Anren are already the gay power couple of the WC universe. Guess you missed that, OP. Manchild Anduin and any possible man he might have couldn’t hold a candle to them.

this post is another example on why WoW forum mods suck

edir suck suk suck

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The wow forum mods are very talented! Leave them alone!

Being gay doesn’t make you interesting.


I’m sure these kind of threads are just bait for all the trumpian right wing conservative types to rage at

what if they just dress hm up as papa smurf???

this thread is still up? dam WoW forum mods suck


Which is funny considering he was the first President to go into office pro-gay marriage lol


everyone choses to ignore this like so many other things

I hope Anduin is straight as an arrow and marries a big-breasted farm girl.

you are really unhappy on every post