I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

I guess Khadgar hasn’t really been openly though its been hinted at. There is also a pair in Ardenweald that are openly gay. I’m assuming your just after a high profile character to be gay ?

But how would he have an heir to pass the crown to?…

It would be the end of the royal bloodline.

Khadgar and Malfurion.

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How about no, and we keep the overly politicized real-life drama OUT of the fantasy world.


I heard there is a festival in Orgrimar where everyone goes to town on each other

a) What?
b) What? They can’t relate to characters because the characters not gay? Sounds kind of narcissistic in a way if you ask me.
c) Not really. This isn’t a game about sexuality. It’d just be a random fact that would affect his love interest which will likely be some side-lined mini story either way.

And note: keep politics out of WoW. Playing the game is about escaping real life not dragging your political addiction into a game environment.


I bet Anduin bats for both teams and probably even likes pandas…

Tbh it’s problematic that people think it’s Anduin who should be gay. He prefers diplomacy to violence, understands the importance of peace, and seems genuinely empathetic. It says a lot about how people view masculinity that they think these traits should make Anduin gay. It’s a harmful stereotype that straight men cannot or should not have these traits.

I’m down for gay characters in WoW. Would like to see a new dragon character who happens to be gay. Would be so rad.

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How about Wrathion?

Straight or gay so what. He is dead now.

The super straight community has already shipped Anduin with Y’rel. You can’t have him.

Won’t have to worry about that anymore op as apparently anduin like blue-eyed banshees :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats just orc culture. Theyre like the Dothraki. Weddings turn into orgies!

Wrathion will be busy getting busy building the black flight.

I think Anduin may be lgbt and I hope the writers can make a interesting story out of it. Blizzard would do well to focus on character relationships because that creates good stories and interactions. lgbt character should be represented just as much as their heterosexual counterparts.

Representation does not = taking an established character and changing them for your amusement.

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can you cite exactly when Anduin was established as heterosexual or not a member of lgbt?

I did already, in the other post. Not my fault you made 2 posts expecting different results.

I don’t care if they end up making Anduin gay, but it seems pretty clear they’re shooting for a thing with Talia or whatever her name is at this point.

But, more realistically, I don’t see the point in talking about this in-game no matter which direction we think he might go. WoW does NOT bother diving into the personal relationships of characters. Thrall / Aggra is like the only time they’ve tried, and I suspect that was mostly just to justify him passing Warchief on than anything else.

Point being, it doesn’t really matter if Anduin is gay or not, because characters in this game are set pieces to set up campy over the top plots, not actual, you know, characters.

They just need to make a race of sentient rainbows for people to play