I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

The games sub drops have absolutely nothing to do with anything LGBT related… you gotta be genuinely insane to think it is.


A 18 year old boy shouln’t have relation with a 8 year old dragon!


With any character’s sexuality I want it to not matter in the slightest. Not because I’m anti that it’s just so many people virtue signal for social points. It’s almost never genuine which is honestly really sad.

In threads like this, replace the word “gay” with the word “steelworker.”

“My steelworker friends and I would feel more included if there were more steelworkers in this game.”

I mean… that’s both a fair point, and an utterly moot point for a game about beating up dragons. No one is trying to “not represent you” or anything, it just… it’s doesn’t inherently have anything to do with the game.

The worst part of this discussion (and ones similar to it) is that if you try and talk objectively about it, the ONLY response is: you just don’t like gay people, or you’re homophobic.

If the point of this game was about relationships, then yes it belongs. The point of this game is about finding a motivating reason to beat stuff up for purplz. And although we’re making progress, MOST of the world (you think the US is bad???) would use gay people as the punching bag to get their loot.

If you truly support gay causes, then tell me: How does that help??

Maybe said another way: if Anduin did turn out to be gay… it wouldn’t matter. Much the same was as finding out someone in your office is gay. It doesn’t affect you. Nothing about the game would really change. My guild is progressing on Heroic Anduin this week, regardless of who he dates.


What is the commonly agreed upon percentage “in real life” across the entirety of all social groups within our various (nation-based) societies?
For sake of simplicity let’s limit it to the letters in LGBTQ+ that actually refer to sexual preference rather than the personal gender perception: L, G and B.

Once we have those numbers let’s triple them just to be certain that all that are ‘in the closet’ are accounted for and set this percentage in a relation with all named WoW NPCs that one might consider as “main” or at least “narratively important” characters.

As a final step we might then revisit the question of why Andiun “should” fall into that category and how that would be beneficial in terms of narrative.

Imagine thinking your entitled to a say in someone else main characters sexual preference… If this was a game full of gay characters and someone said you know what i think your main character should be straight because i am and i want that…I wonder how that would go…

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Absolutely rediculious fantasy you live in. Such assumptive claims with zero evidence… Since when is 1% of a population suddenly a majority of a game? No one cares about trans or gay people in this game. Your sexuality or gender does not matter nor does an NPCs in a game of war where gender is not a focus.

You are throwing about false and meaningless drama that doesn’t exist because you’re obviously a very bitter person full of unhappiness and intolerance. Just because something isn’t full of self-indulgent safe space purely catered to you does not make it phobic.

God youre the type who goes into a party demands to make yourself the center of attention and if not you create a tweet and try to build a group to ruin said party or people for not paying you all attention.

Because if they are not focused on you 100% they are “phobic bigots”.

Learn some actual tolerance and quit your hyperbolic blubbering…its pathetic.


Yes. I have. I’m a bald Lunarian with a grudge against the Blue Planet and people who try to force me to sleep against my will. …Or was there another point you wanted to make?

I thought he was dating sylvanious.

I hope he becomes an interesting character. I don’t care who he sleeps with.

I’m not sure there is a problem there, I can be gay and still want Sylvanas too

imagine if sylvanos and andreas made a magical baby

The more woke the game goes the more people will quit playin it.


Biden wants to add a whitehouse in the game and he will be the boss in the room. HE WILL attack by tripping and falling on you

we can have an island or presidents all from George Washington up to Biden.

LOL imagine a game like that with political figures as the raid boss?

Id play it.

I don’t want Anduin to be gay because I hate the trope that a soft and kind dude must AUTOMATICALLY be into other men.

Like… Let him be straight. He can be straight. It’s OKAY. I’m saying this as a queer person it’s a stronger story if he’s straight. Kindhearted, emotionally intelligent, and aiming for piece does NOT equal gay.


Uh… excuse me, what?! Is he gay or is just an ally/icon? I need to know these things for uh… science :eyes:

He’s confirmed gay!


Science thanks you :eyes:

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