I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

This game is bleeding subs because transphobic bigots scare off any hope for a decent sustainable and progressive community to form. Period.

→ Am bi male.

→ Don’t think Anduin should be gay. Would feel really forced.

→ King bloodline should continue.

Insanely incorrect. Keep it on Twitter, thx.


…or you could just enjoy the game instead?


I’d like zappy boi have a nice relationship like that. He’s a newer character, a hero, and somebody I’d just generally like to see more of and learn about. He been through so much already. He has lost his father and also Saurfang. The horde can really use a good character to focus on developing also.

Yeah, you’d do well to stick away from using descriptors like ‘insane’ when referring about trans topics, bud.

Let me guess, your understanding of biology is stuck at the 3rd grade level??

Having a video game character’s sexuality be a focal point of their personality is not interesting.

Stop trying to jam gay/trans down everyone’s throats. There is nothing wrong with your sexuality, but thinking that other’s need to care about it is insufferable and stupid.


Are you all reading off a shared script?

This is seriously what bugs me the most. There has been this push lately to ditch “toxic masculinity” and expect men to “get in touch with their emotions” only to turn around and call a resolutely heterosexual male who does this “gay”. Anyone remember all the Frodo/Sam stuff when Lord of the Rings was the hot topic of the time?

If you want gay representation, pick someone more gruff and rude, like Muradin. Or make Denathrius gay.

OP- I hope all game fantasy game line up to my twisted sense of the world.

I am glad he is straight.


I don’t speak for the community, but in my own homosexual opinion, I really don’t care either way. I like the idea of inclusion and representation but sometimes it feels forced and patronizing.


Nope. It’s just the vast majority opinion and it’s not even close. Stay on Twitter, thx.

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That reply wasn’t to you specifically, also we can post where we like, especially when the team encourages us to do so. Thank you.

I sincerely, genuinely want these agenda andies to go away.

Anduin seems interested in women, kind of disrespectful if you want to change that, yaknow. Double standards and all.

Believe it or not, he has not had a single romantic moment with wrathion. They just talk in a few questlines.

Ships aren’t canon by default.


It isn’t just because he’s cute. One of the Ur examples of a slash fiction ship is Kirk/Spock from Star Trek and they aren’t cute or emotional as I understand. People also ship Sherlock Holmes and Watson but they aren’t typically depicted as cute either. The thing those pairings have in common is that their fangirls think they have great chemistry and maybe seem closer than most male friendships.

It’s the same thing with Anduin and Wrathion. There’s a passage from War Crimes where it 100 percent sounds like Wrathion is flirting with Anduin. Also everyone says they were super cute together in MoP. (I wouldn’t know because I skipped MoP but I support this ship one hundred percent)

I’m pretty sure a human would die if they got hummed by a dragon.

Wrathion ain’t a whelp no more he would tear Anduin up.

Yes, and I really, genuinely hope that Microsoft takes away your posting rights and disallows such trash posts to be made on the forums when they take over later this year. Gets old after a bit. This obsession you have over a fictional character is downright creepy.

Honestly they come off as borderline predators in training.

“Anduin doesn’t know what he likes. I’ll SHOW HIM and MAKE him love me.”


have you looked in a mirror lately?

You’re reading too far into it. People ship fictional characters because it strengthens their fantasy.

Azshara wasn’t necessarily romantically involved with N’zoth, it’s just fun to imagine they are.

As for anduin, I don’t care.
I don’t think Wrathion is a good fit because his most recent encounter with the young king was less than stellar. But if they gave the characters a sufficient amount of backstory to grow from and experience their show of chemistry together, why not?

blizzard done said no why you think they are leaving him in the maw with sylvanus it’s quite obvious why.

Or… ya know. Just make a new character? With their own background?

There is zero reason to make Anduin Gay, that’s just silly, he’s clearly not gay. To make him gay would be a forced change that is not genuine, and would be doing zilch for actual representation.

I don’t understand why people always want to twist existing characters to fit their personal preferences, especially when there is absolutely no evidence of what they want happening.

There are LGBT characters in WoW.

Trying to make other people LGBT to force them to be LGBT is silly.