I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

I haven’t seen one response that would justify you calling anyone that.

Just a bunch of people trying to explain how ridiculous your request is.


I sincerely believe this my battletag is Axaron#11713 I play on Hellscream NA and we can talk about it any time. This is not bait, but for some reason, it’s considered controversial. Which is frankly bullsh–

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Did you just call a gay man a homophobe?


If they haven’t arrived, they’re on the way, and it’s always a cowardly workaround way of speaking.


I personally think that all the out of game WoW content should be added.

Maybe starting with the Shaw & Flynn relationship?

Did you just assume a gay man can’t be a homophobe? Also I wasn’t talking to you.


Oh if this trolls trying to call me a troll that’s rich. I’m gay and trans. Fight me


The PvP community doesn’t even like Worldpvp lol.

All of your other ideas I see are pretty decent, some more than others. But the PvP ones give me aneurysms.

Btw, he does more than just PvP, which is why I’m not saying the same thing to him.

And you’re hot and you’re cold, you’re yes and you’re no. You’re in and you’re out, you’re up and you’re down.


i give this one a 1/10


Guys stop feeing the troll holy heckeroni.


You still haven’t explained how one sexuality would be interesting narratively. For all we know this could be a troll post if you can explain yourself.


anymore? not since start ok, lich king bad character, arthas bad character ok… was always not good, wotlk story not good.

Anyone is free to choose to be a homophobe.

This includes those that are gay, straight, bi, lesbian, and anything our species’ does not know of yet.


Hiding OP is enough to know the world isn’t ready for gay main characters in games. That is just so sad and ignorant. It wasn’t inflammatory in the least.


Or we can leave established straight characters alone and ask for new characters. Anduin is confirmed straight. Stop trying to push this. There is nothing wrong with having a main gay character. There is something wrong with seeking to change an established straight character for it.


Anduin showed only interest in women so far.
Modern society: “He is definitely gay or at least bi!!!” :man_facepalming:


I always make very sure to state and double state that my thoughts are strictly for casual PvP.

Not Rated PvP.

If you have a problem with suggestions I make that might get more people into casual PvP that might get more Rated PvPers in the long run, that’s on you.

You would rather one shot people in random BGs/brawls and make them lose all interest in PvP than work on sustainability for the PvP community. EDIT: And you can’t say this doesn’t happen, because that last Solo Shuffle I did removed all remote interest I had in max level PvP. It was HORRIBLE because of the lack of PvP gear.


its clearly part of dragon culture though. :wink:

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Honestly if we’re gonna go with pop songs, Rosenivy might as well be this song I can’t quite say here on the forums. But its by Marina. Its the one with Bubblegum ( something I can’t type here ) in the title

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