I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Nothing wrong with gay characters, but why is it the pretty boy? It couldn’t be that he’s fujobait, is it? Of course not, that’s not why so many women who play WoW want him to be gay. It’s not for their fantasies. It’s about inclusion, of course. Being an ally and all that.

How about we see some representation of less conventionally attractive characters. Where’s the gay orcs, trolls, dwarves, etc?

Excluding someone for being het and white isnt inclusive roflmao you cant cheer exclusion then say youre for it.

A little bit bigoted…

I’m for LGBT so long as they are put in naturally and not fewling forced to check a box or blatant steryotypes which media makes most of the time.

Bend the norm pretty boys gay is so stereotype give me a gay Tauren or troll hell I’ll take a panda or an orc.

No more elves and humans. Boring.

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Well I agree… what they should do is make is not about their sexuality, have gay characters but not making it out to be a spectacle. The thing I notice that people get upset about is forcing their sexuality to the front, instead of making it about a connection and genuine love… they always seem to try and announce it somehow that they’re gay.

I honestly believe the anti-gay crowd is VERY small and the majority of people don’t see an issue. I could be wrong, but I know quite a few gay people and they’re treated like everyone else… could just be my experience.

What does IAP+ stand for?

Says the human….

Intersex, asexual, pansexual.

pansexual is bisexual…doesn’t need another word for the same thing lol

They love cookware? Didn’t think frying pans warranted that kind of attention.

Can’t tell if this is sarcasm but the existence of the concept of fujoshi proves that the desire to see cute fictional guys be boyfriends is a phenomenon that exists across cultures and doesn’t really have anything directly to do with LGBT rights or liberation

Yes, it was sarcasm. People who want Anduin to be gay want him to be gay because he’s cute. We’re not seeing the same push for Muradin or Rokhan to be gay. Ironically it’s actually kind of enforcing homophobic norms. He’s a pretty guy who isn’t afraid of being emotional? Surely he’s gay.


So hilarious and original.

Sorry OP, but Andiun and Sylvanas are kissing in 10.0.

i dont care about a cartoons chr sexuality.

ok convince china to allow it.

Like your constant bait threads.

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And pray tell, how it is baiting to affirm to transphobes that trans women are women?

If someone has an issue with that moral truth, then that transphobe is the problem.

How does anduin being gay serve the greater story though? I mean his sexuality is not part of the story and it serves no purpose to explain his sexual preferences in the game?

I see your thread, I respect it, I would also like to see more NPCs with physical/mental disabilities. I myself have mild Cerebral Palsy but if we don’t see any “special” representation it will not be the end of the world or something I obsess over. Not calling your post SPECIFICALLY an obsession, but some forums go overboard on that topic, and THAT is putting it NICELY. Anyhow, I love you and wish you your best life possible :slight_smile:

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I…do agree with this…it’s like there all cardboard cutouts/Saturday morning cartoon characters. “THE HORDE IS NOTHING!!, toy soldiers in tin plate” etc etc Sylvanus is BLASTING OF AGIAN!!! (I…can’t spell)

This is not your safe space. Stick to twitter. bud. And people wonder why the game is still bleeding subs…