I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

I personally wouldn’t care.

They could have a cutscene of Anduin licking his taint and I would skip it and not care.

This idea would run even more players away from this game and then you will definitely have nothing left to do.

I really hope he is not gay because he shows emotional sides that most male characters are not depicted as having. Even the few times they are shown to have them the characters are gay. So you don’t see men that are outside of the traditional sense of masculinity shown in games. I would rather they give a character like Shaw more lore, flesh him out and leave Anduin as straight because he represents a group of people as well.


Please stop saying things like this, it immediately discredits your entire post.

Being LGBT is not a social issue. If you think that, there’s something wrong. All we want is people to treat us like human beings and acknowledge we exist. If you think that’s a social issue, that says a lot about you.

Again, this is from someone who doesn’t understand why Anduin being gay would help narratively at all. (Though I still believe Anduin/Wrathion have chemistry and openly flirted in the MoP questline)

No, but the depiction and representation of LGBTQ people in pop culture, including video games, is absolutely a social issue.

Literally not true. The OP wants Anduin’s character in World of Warcraft to be openly gay. Nobody is arguing that gay people don’t exist or that they shouldn’t be treated with the same respect as anyone else. People are debating what they think one specific video game character’s sexual preferences should be. I am taking the stance of “just leave it vague so everyone is free to come to their own conclusions”. If you don’t agree with my position, fine, but don’t get all hysterical on me saying ridiculous things about how people are denying your right to existence.


Well this spiraled out of control in record time. I don’t care if Anduin is gay or straight. What I do care about is that he’s clearly a priest, but he wields a sword and wears armor. Wtf man.


they all want adult rated R content I guess

Yeah Anduin is not gay. The books make it very clear he has quite a thing for exotic blue-skinned hoof girls or so someone told me.


anduin is the worst character, generic MC goody good boy. he belongs in a disney movie.

He could be bi.

He could even be tri, or quad. This is a fantasy world with elves and demons and wizards, after all.

Sure but there is no precedent for it. Despite the humor with him and Wrathion, they’ve not had anywhere near romantic vibes.

But Flynn was heavily portrayed to be a womanizer and yet he’s not in the books either. I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard, especially given their recent scandals and their heavily leaning into the SJW/woke agendas, to turn him pan (which would then make more sense as to his attraction to non humans).

Heck they could even then kill it all entirely and make Wrathion aroace and tick more boxes off their diversity checklist and kill the meme shippers at the same time.

I still call hax cause I can’t do any of that.

Why do people need to be verified by sexuality of video game characters? I’m all for doing what makes someone happy but the whole needed justification for it I don’t understand.

I don’t know what kind of open flirting you are talking about. I just saw basic banter between friends/ rivals. They are a very good play on the light/dark dichotomy which I don’t see too much in WoW.

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I get mad that she was stupid enough to pick Arthas when she could have had Kael’thas. If given the choice between a human and an elf…always pick the elf.

do you think the jailer put his name on it?

I don’t genuinely hope so because I’m not a fan of het white men being in the spotlight of 90% of media.

I’d rather Anduin take a side line for a while, but I would LOVE if we got more LGBTQIAP+ Representation and Inclusion.

Lets just pretend the above never happened
Don’t take the bait
Resist it


How is that not just another reason to make him gay? A lot of those people probably don’t even like Anduin anyway because he isn’t a raging bigot like Garrosh and to a lesser extent Varian were.

Also I don’t even care if Anduin is gay; he could be bi instead. One thing’s for sure though: Wrathion is totally the best partner for him