I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

You really need help, you even have issue reading timestamp.

Shaky hands, blurry eyes.

At least you finally added something new… well, i’m bored… I crave intelligent conversation and you can’t provide that… better luck on your next troll attempt, enjoy your L. Goodnight.

You will get intelligent conversation once you learn something basic like reading timestamp.

Now go and seek help you clearly need. :rofl:

Well, I won’t be sleeping with him either way, so it really doesn’t matter to me what his preference is.

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Wish more people had this kind of thought process.

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Given the information that I just provided you about the Warcraft universe, you might think about getting some help.

What would this add to the growth of Anduin? How would his sexual orientation add more depth to his character?

If they had let his interests in men develop naturally through story then it would feel natural, but to have him suddenly be into Wrathion would come off as forced and just Blizzard trying to push inclusion into the WoW.

Why can’t he just be asexual/aromantic and have no interest in relationships or love?


I hope he is happy too

People only say this when it’s about Wrathion and Anduin, and then they talk about how he should get married to Taelia or Tess like that’s somehow less forced. No two characters in the game have more chemistry with each other than Anduin and Wrathion!

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No should be forced into any kind of marriage. Few scenes together does not mean they should be together no matter sex.

If there’s chemistry then it needs to build up and be shown how they would be a great couple. Anduin has not shown any interest in any kind of relationship and it would come off just forced for him right now.

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He will adopt an orc Orphan and name him Varian, and place him in line as his succession to the ire of his people.

what if anduin and hellscream become an item??

Gen obviously loves him more than a son.

you guys just want adult content in an r rated environment :open_mouth:

A friend of mine and I had theories about Uther, too, as well as Khadgar. She and I also ship the hell out of Maiev and Naisha.

That’d also be something I’d like to see.

I don’t care if Anduin is gay, straight, or asexual. I just want him to be happy, healthy and OK.

Right now… (whispers) he’s not ok.

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everyone is free to imagine whatever they want as far as RP aspects of the game
make it what ever you wish it to be
but respect me to make it what I want as well

I’d prefer he not be openly gay because:

1.) I don’t care about real life social issues in my video games and I just want Blizzard to do whatever is going to make their company the most money so that I can in turn have a better quality video game to play.

Making Anduin gay would only serve to piss off all the MAGA folks who play WoW, and since I don’t care about social political issues when I’m casting magical spells on my fantasy wizard, I think vagueness and non-definitive sexual orientations for characters is just objectively better.

Let people who want Anduin to be gay to assume he is gay, and let people that want him to be straight assume he is straight. Everyone wins, everyone is happy, Blizzard makes more money, and we get a better game.

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would you want to see him hook up with hellscream