I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Cute correction, how do you mix up you and you’re?

So why are you so mad today?

Did you find it yet?

Your reason for anger? Not yet, waiting for you to tell me.

Your*, and no, please reread the question.

ur is perfectly acceptable in place of your… nice try. Now why are you such an angry person?

In that scenario it’s you’re*, so you’re wrong again. Shaky hand or shaky head?

Seek help.

No it’s not.

Now why are you so angry?

It is.

Wow you edited it, you really need help.

On a scale of 10-10 how mad are you at this moment? Explain your rage to me bud.

Don’t move the goalpost, why did you delete it if you think you’re right?

I don’t answer to trolls that don’t answer my questions… you lost that right napoleon.

Why did you delete it, that’s not nice.

Relax napoleon.

Is it shame? or shaky hands?

You’re beginning to bore me… its fun to pick on trolls like yourself, but you are making this too easy. I’mma take a dump… have something entertaining for when i get back.

You think its fun, but im genuinely concerned about your well being, the shaky hand, the typos, the tunnel vision, you need real help.

You had 10 minutes of thinking and all you did was repeat yourself? Talk about accepting your L.

Okay well time travel is a thing in the Warcraft universe; there was a whole expansion based on it. Just have Anduin time travel into the future so he can marry Wrathion without people getting butthurt about it

edit: or have future Wrathion time travel to the present

You have issue dude, my reply is 1 minute after yours, and your next reply is 10 minutes after.

They even put a timestamp as a proof, seriously, get help.

Such an angry bitter troll. Lol.