I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Agree. I’m starting to regret that “sex” even exists.
Muting this thread, too.

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As long as they don’t make it feel forced, I don’t see an issue… that’s the biggest issue with most of this, “inclusion.” is the fact that a lot of it tends to be too big a focus, more about the actual act or them being whatever… then about the characters journey and development. I don’t care who he beds, man or woman… is he a good character worth caring about?

I hope they don’t mention his sexuality any more at all either way.

When I’m horde I ship him with kiro.
When I’m alliance I RP that my character is with him.

I dont need my headcanon to become canon.
But I don’t want to see if be confirmed non canon either.

So I hope its not a topic the game touches

Sexuality doesn’t make someone unique or interesting, it’s 2022, let’s stop pretending otherwise


I need some spice on my gay men. Anduin is a toast sandwich.

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There will always be people who think any kind of LGBT representation is forced.

And there are always going to be people who try to paint those who call it forced in a bad light, even when it is 100% forced.

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Neat thread. Can’t wait to see the Anduin and Taelia cutscene marriage.


It’s not something someone who take representation for granted would understand.

You don’t want that.

Because the second Anduin becomes canonically gay, Blizzard will turn him into a ghostly blue unicorn or stag and park him in an expansion zone forever.

I think this is a silly request. Representation is all over compared to our brothers and sisters that came b4.

This? This is just… dumb.

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This would have to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve read.


Make Baine gay and have him have an attraction to Thrall.

Narratively interesting and they are always front and center.

They could even have Thrall as an example of men who start families and then realize they’re gay.

It would create conflict with thrall’s family but show that true love is worth making some cracks.


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If anduin is gay who is gonna rule Stormwind after he dies ?

Why Anduin specifically? because he isn’t as strong as his father? or he that he is somehow perceived to have a gentler side? isn’t that just playing in to the stereotype of a gay person? isn’t that a microaggression?

If you have to force a gay character, I think it would be a better if it was a macho manly warrior character, someone no one would suspect as gay, at the very least it would of been a surprising twist.

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geeezus H, I thought this was a video game. Maybe you should go watch some soap operas. They have every plot going at once to cater for all. Maybe so no whinging bastards can complain, or file a lawsuit, I dunno.
For now as long as they gimme the quest item and spawn where they are suppose to be. The WoW characters are fine. Leave sexual attractions out of it.

Imagine going to hand in a quest just before reset, sorry. Anduin is busy out the back getting laid…


What do you mean why? He’s the most popular gay ship in this franchise, people like his relationship with Wrathion in MOP, it’s something that didn’t come out of nowhere.

I have a sneaking suspicion Anduin’s moment of healing in the Shadowlands will come with a personal revelation or two. :rainbow:

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No, no and how about no