I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

How is that statement inflammatory lol. It’s quite literally the truth. 95%+ of the population being heterosexual, which btw, keeps humanity going, by definition, makes them normal. And nowhere did I say that abnormal is bad, but again, you chose to take it that way to prop your nonexistent argument up

YOU chose to get offended by it, so you can keep playing victim, without having to come up with any real argument.

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I have never, in all my years of movies and gaming, thought I can’t enjoy something because I’m not “represented” in it…

I have no idea where people got this notion.


Found the straight, white dude.

Quick to assume, you know what they say about assuming?

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I genuinely hope he isn’t, because I’d like there to be more straight men in the game who aren’t cartoonishly “masculine”. Anduin is the only male character in the game with any sort of depth.

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I’m curious. Do they not feel included in narratives where sexual proclivities are not stated?

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I don’t care if Anduin wants to hump a nerf football covered in broken glass so long as the story makes sense and is not just a slapped on “oh yeah, but Anduin is also gay” thing that has no place in the story being told.

You already know the answer to that and so do I.

Well you surely created can of worms thread so that people can find a space to argue.

Congratulations, you proved yourself right.

What you want to get won’t probably happen though. There are too many wild wild west type of opinions in all directions.

Okay well then they can make new straight characters who fit that description; they shouldn’t turn existing gay characters such as Anduin or his boyfriend Wrathion straight just to push an agenda of promoting the idea that straight men aren’t all cartoonishly masculine

Wrathion is literally a child. You disgust me.

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OP needs to go touch some grass

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why in the world do we need to make anything sexual or a toons preference in a video game.please dont ruin our games like your woke crap has everything else.If you wan to rp gay toons then fine,do it with your buddys in game on a rp server if they still have them but dont push your views onto all the people who play and care less if a toon is gay or not.

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Too late, look at the new Arbiter :joy:

ill never understand why people want to know about a fictional chr sexuality.

Terrible thread is still up.
Big yikes.

and Britain MIGHT be better of without the queen… what of it. that’s not a factor they take into consideration when passing down the leadership. This was a kid who lost his only family and was made leader the same day, cut him some slack.

How often Blizz retconned stuff isn’t my point.

The point is her post was made as a writer (Meaning she only wrote stuff her boss wants her to) back in 2015, it’s a twitter post, so nothing is canon as of yet.

Do you get this mad when you see Arthas and Jaina? That’s also forcing it.


what about budd from cataclysm?