I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

As far as we know, Anduin is gay until something comes out otherwise. That’s the beauty of fiction. You can decide for yourself until you are told otherwise. I recently saw something about Pelagos (or whatever the name is) being trans. I had no idea before then and still don’t care. I hadn’t even considered it. But someone did. I don’t even know for sure if that is cannon or not. My point is, it doesn’t need to be confirmed for you. If it’s left to your imagination, then it’s however you want it to be.


Well those are the kinds of people who don’t honestly matter and are always on the wrong side of history, they’ll only dislike it because they feel it’s not normal due to hatred or religious reason.

It’s so simple really, don’t make a relationship about their sexuality, also don’t make the sole focus about that relationship… but it seems so many games/movies screw up simple concepts like that.

A good example of not making sexuality the focus of a character… TT: Wonderland, Bones Three Wood and LeChance, quest was about a couple and them fighting… but not once were they announced as gay, nor was it a focal point… it was just, two ppl that were in-love, even if it starts out as them fighting one another.

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Or they can do whatever they want.

If they want a trash narrative sure, go for it. Make it about their love and not sexuality… some ppl will never understand basic logic.

People only call it trash narrative because it’s LGBT relationship, if it’s the usual straight relationship they won’t complain.

You are delusional.

I’ve not once said anything it being bad that it’s LGBT… you just wanna argue. I literally gave good examples and you ignored it… because again, you wanna argue your terrible point. Probably a troll, but I got the next 7 hours…


I never did imply you did, where did you learn to read? I simply said your solution of “Don’t make relationship about their sexuality” argument is dumb, because there are many game and movies where straight relationship is the focus, and they’re doing fine.

Again, you just dont have the capability to understand that.

Clearly you are tryin to switch it up… it was clear what you were stating. Let me start by telling how this is going to go… you are going to keep telling me the logical argument is dumb. You’re going to keep attempting to do what troll’s do… try to spark an emotional response, you’re going to fail repeatedly, eventually bore me and get thrown on ignore. With that being said… you’re still delusional and void of logic. Try harder please, I don’t want to be bored by someone with the personality of a toe nail.

You literally said nothing in your post that is worth responding to beyond that.


Clearly its not clear enough for you, so you decide to use your assumption and attack me.

Ah… the troll deflect!

You know exactly what I’m talkin about and playing dumb isn’t helping you. Try an actual argument. Like why pushing their sexuality is important in gay relationship… instead of just you know, making it seem normal without the forced quality to it. Go ahead little troll.


Deflect? I disagree with you and then you called me delusional (reported) over your assumption of my intent.

Also quoting this one in case you decide to evade/edit it.

Why would I deny I said it troll? It’s truth.

Just like how you dodge the questions. Kinda sus…

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It’s your fake truth, you assume i was delusional because i disagree with you.

That’s the thing, you didn’t ask anything, you just call me delusional.

Still dodging the question because you don’t have a point? Reading is hard?


How am i dodging anything, you call me delusional and now you want to play victim?

I feel like there might have been a communications breakdown somewhere along the way. I think Holigreen was saying we cannot normalize same sex relationships if we are going to announce how progressive we are every time we include them, and that we should instead just include them naturally (organically?) into content without the need of an announcement. I assume that sentiment would include a broader scope than just same sex relationships. Am I off base on that read?


Tell me you’re trolling without telling me you’re trolling… you literally quoted from the comment with the questions :rofl: talk about dense.

I can easily say you’re trolling on top of insulting me, but i don’t take that path because im not a garbage person like you.

what if they make hellscream gay

Got his own feelings hurt trying to troll someone else, that’s wild… it’s clear you don’t have an answer to the question, that or you’re afraid to answer because your lack of logic AND you quoted from that comment. Come on little buddy…