I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Not as often as people claims it to be. The term retconned is over used here when people don’t like where the story is going really, and out of context in most cases.

There is only 2 things mentioned about chronicles from the devs, it was written in the view of the titans, and that we shouldn’t put too much weight in the magic chart (most likely due to the rumored 7th power). Nothing else.

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There are many, many, many NPC’s that are extremely happy in this game, so there are plenty of gay people, just saying.

Until they fix the story… representation will just feel forced, it doesn’t matter who he is bumping uglies with. The characters and stories need to get back to a better place first. Also Pelagos is trans?

Why is “representation” needed? Why do people have to be separated into groups anyway?

That’d be due to her own bias, not any reality. She made an awful quote recently and used Anduin’s words in regards to the ‘war’ in Europe.

Either way, there are some quite openly bi/gay or otherwise chars currently. Most prominently Shaw and Flynn.

And? Nothing wrong with that. Stormwind would probably be better off.

Bad take, there’s no stigma. You already exposed your actual thoughts on the matter.


What is so bad about making the gay or other marginalized communities feel like they’re apart of the world as well? They are part of it… why is it wrong to write them into the story… just gotta make it feel organic, which a lot of writers fail to do.

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I’m confused, so the several times that Anduin has been confirmed to like women, is not true or canon?

Because they’re individual people with unique skills, talents, and personalities that they can be proud of, and not basing their entire existence on who they’re attracted to. It’s also just wrong to put people into groups rather than treating them as individuals.

This is also a fantasy world, and is meant as an escape from regular life, but many don’t like, or can’t handle that concept.

He supposedly is very fond of Draenei woman, but there are some that don’t like that, and want it changed to another man, or even a certain male Black Dragon.

It’s any thicc female that isn’t human.

There is also mention of a thicc dwarf lady he thought was hot.

Let’s be honest, Anduin wasn’t trying to escape from Sylvanas, he was just checking her out inside and enjoying the ride.

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That’s funny ! The reality is that he’s starting to notice that once you go elf you’re better off yourself.

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Well since Sylvanas is redeemed for no reason at all and spent some time with Anduin and with the faction thing slowly breaking apart. Just go on ahead and make the Banshee Queen of Stormwind and let us elves rule everything. All is balanced and in place.
Everyone loves Sylvanas right, and this should be okay lmao.

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This one actually gets it. Not too bad for an Illidari adept.

That is why it needs to feel organic, thats the point of writing them in… so they don’t feel like individuals… we should be able to look at any openly gay or trans person as see them as normal. The problem is people still don’t see them as that… so writing a character like that in wouldn’t feel out of place or forced if we made it the norm?

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Or, Anduin can be with Talia, as suggested through many quests within the game now, or he could hook up with a Draenei since he has an attraction to, or he could hook up with the reformed Banshee queen. However, players want to undo everything that’s already been set up simply for their needs.

I feel bad for your blood elfs, talking about our alliance human leader while your blood leader Lor’themar is as irrelevant as a sack of potatoes.

I literally no nothing about the belf leader, like nada… nothing. Sucks that Blizzard made him completely useless and forgettable.

He does have a potential mate by the name of Thalyssra, just saying.

You mean 95% of the population? So normal people? And if you could read past a 2nd grade level, you’d see that I said numerous times, that I have zero problems with gay people in general. But of course, you had to disregard, or twist words to benefit yourself lol. You’re pathetic

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See what I mean? You even used multiple derogatory statements towards me, so again your actions speak despite what you say you clearly have a strong dislike to LGBTQ+ in general.