I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

If Anduin ever has any love interest it’ll feel out of place right now. Don’t feel like he’s the single and ready to mingle type of guy at the moment.

Sudden? Anduin has been with Wrathion since MOP. Flynn and Shaw is sudden, but definitely not Anduin.

Kind of like fragile people go reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now because of no “representation”?

At least we know “representation” means nothing to you and it’s all about the troll now, thanks for sharing.

How fast they forget Shaw and Flynn, guess it’s not about representation and more about trolling.

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Off topic but your name is so cute lol.

Hes already shown interest in the ladies

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That is not saying it’s not canon bruh.

They can’t because then they’d lose a ton of money from the Chinese market.

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Unless they’re going to show some raw love, I’m not interested.

Nah he’s actually a whale shark in disguise.

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Thank you that is common reaction to it.

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How… ?!

how about playing the game without worrying about this moot point :slight_smile:

i dont remember last time i saw an npc and wondered about their sexuality.

you cant romance any of them anyways so why bother lol

Your statement is political and not at all an interesting writing device. Anduin, being a monarch in a fantasy iron age, would likely be a struggle and a hardship for the royal family. To quote Longshanks from Braveheart, “It would be an open invitation for enemies to attack”. Ceasar wouldn’t even let his troops see him when has was feeling “under the weather”. Not to say that being gay is weak, but it would be perceived that way, Especially in the Iron Age. If Anduin was gay, he would likely need to be very closeted out of necessity and for fear of political consequences. Which would likely annoy you more than get you feeling inspired.

Also, someone’s sexuality as a selling point to the character being interesting is a very weak premise. No one would think Anduin is interesting on the premise that he is heterosexual. So why is the opposite true? It may make your feel better. But, from a story stand point it is pure poison. Politics make for a horrible platform for story telling. Just look at the remake of Ghost Busters or Kevin Smith’s He-man. Both projects bombed all because of identity politics.

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All of the retconned stories, by definition, is no longer canon.

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I hope he is Gay too, so his line ends with him he’s a nasty cry baby.

WRANDUIN BAYBEEE! TEAM USA BAYBE :us:!! WE SUPPORT THEM!! :v::v::beach_umbrella::package::memo:
Lets gooooo.

Except they where not retconned, they are still slated as canon, you just want them to be not-canon for your fetish.

stop reaching already.

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Something wrong with you RP people. Like seriously all of our main story characters that y’all fantasize about just stand in one spot never moving in major cities.

Are you implying WOW story hasn’t been retconned at all?