I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Has no one here seen Game of Thrones?

There are ways for gay Kings to still have children. This isn’t a difficult concept.

Team Wranduin all the way!

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have you seen it? Bastyboi’s are not exactly considered prime ruling material. Great for fighting for our right to party, not much welcome as leaders. Even less so in reality.

No one is saying its not physically possible, just not how things in royalty is done publicly.

Do you even realize what you’re saying here… There are several problems

1.) The story is so bad and you seem to recognize this, but at the same time thinking making a character gay would ‘enhance’ the story’s narrative is just baloney.

2.) Anduin is the KING. Having an heir is kinda…super important. Of all the characters to make gay, Anduin seems like the worst choice because you’d be putting him in a spot where he’s forced to take a wife against his wishes to further the family line, either that or just dissolve the monarchy altogether.

3.) A character’s sexuality doesn’t make them interesting. A character being gay or straight doesn’t matter. Its how interesting their journey and story is. I fail to see how preferring a male sex organ or a female sex organ changes your character’s narrative or makes a character more interesting.

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I’m not sure what you are talking about, the Jailer would have been such a fantastic character as a woman. I at least would have had more appreciation for the nipples.

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Not sure I believe some of the people saying they are gay who don’t want this. Anyone could say they are gay and then say they dont want any gay stuff after all.

What about Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind?

I have no personal objection to it, but I doubt Blizzard would do it. The fact is, a lot of people would object and ActiBlizz is a company who needs to be aware of the way the winds blow when steering their company ship.

I’m all for characters being gay, but Anduin being gay would make about as much sense as Ray and Kylo kissing at the end of Rise of Skywalker.

And for those of you saying he must “maintain the bloodline as king.” He’s the king of Stormwind…he can just name or train a successor if he wishes to do so, don’t think anyone has the power to compel him to bang some random chick.

Every guy on our job site…

This is always a weird one for me because does a character need to openly express their sexuality, or is the assumption that they’re all straight unless it’s explicitly stated otherwise?

I personally don’t care what a character’s sexuality is and the Flynn storyline is great because they’re likeable characters who happen to be gay, not gay characters to check off an inclusivity box.

Then again, I’m not gay and have no idea what this all feels like, so feel free to educate me.

Go woke ya go broke.

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I’m gay and I don’t need forced inclusion to represent me thank you very much.


To help strengthen the lines of the alliance if this turns out to be true would his best possible suitor be Prince Erazmin?

iirc the accepted lore by the playerbase is that Anduin likes female draenei. if you were to make him a gay character, you could add some interesting drama elements around the royal family as Anduin is obligated to produce offspring to inherit the crown.

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Which was the true purpose of this post, to troll and accuse others of being phobic because they disagree with your story proposal.

If any characters should be written as gay, it should be a blood elf. Lor’themar Theron Should come out of the closet.

Speaking as a bisexual male I absolutely love Shaw and Flynn being a couple. Truly something interesting will come about it

Nothing about the rise of skywalker nor the sequel trilogy makes sense.


It’s not even my opinion, they already said that all Warcraft book are written from specific point of view, they are not the de facto canon.

Which is why they came up with Chronicles book, until it’s retconned to be using the Titan’s POV as well.

Matthias Shaw is confirmed gay with Flynn from BFA. So yes, there is a gay WoW character.

People are still mad about those two as well.

Which I don’t get why. Best boys make a cute couple.