I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

we have gay representation in WoW, Mathias Shaw is gay, and Taelia’s friend whose name escapes me atm… is Bisexual, so A) has been thoroughly debunked.

nevertheless, we dont need characters in WoW suddenly being gay, it serves no narrative purpose except for fanfiction writers, i’m tired of gay characters being suddenly woven into the game as a means to attract the LGBT community, and before you try to flag me for homophobia, i am Bisexual myself.

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I’m not racist, I know a black guy

Well that just makes it creepier? If Wrathion use his Dragon years would he not be around 100 years old.

Making it that an 100 years old dragon is having relationships with an 19 years old boy.

Someone arrest him, he is an dangerous individual and a menace to society!

The would be horrifying.


Don’t dragons live a long time, like thousands of years? I consider him both a child in human and dragon years. Dude’s like 20 out of 10,000 right now.


Edit: Hmm… seems somebody beat me to the punch.


Go read a book.

No, really, go read the Eastern Kingdoms book.

So you don’t actually care about

You just want your fetishy fan-fic

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why Anduin?

just out of curiosity, why do you want a young blonde king to be gay?

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You know what’ll be hilarious?
If they did make the dude gay, but not for Wrathion. This place would be in such flames LOL. Ok, now I want this to happen for the comedy.

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Not me.

I hate it when clearly straight characters become gay.

But bi would be good because it would account for his interest in woman AND open the door to him being with Wrathion.

Which I think would be fun.

Wow players have memories of goldfishes i swear…. Anybody who blames players for the Wrathudin stuff is actually not as right as you think. Blizzard literally paraded them together for years. Can u blame some people for shipping them? Did we just forget the almost entirety of mop where they were joined to the hip? Anduin literally denied his father’s wishes ( Varian was very angry back then btw.) just to hang out with Wrathion in a secluded inn with just two them…… like u can’t make this stuff up. Sure they could be friends but alot of average players like them together and they have history, thats it. :man_shrugging:

You heard it here folks, all male buds are actually just secretly gay lovers.


Again…. No one saying that. Do we ship thrall and baine?? Varian and greymane? What we are saying is Anduin and Wrathion have been together since kids and they have history together. Sometimes people just become friends and sometimes they have relationships. Its not as implausible as yall think. I personally don’t care but u guys act like its crazy out of nowhere thing. If they didn’t have mop history, then this wouldn’t be as big of a deal. Also the punch by blizz was sus.

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I mean it is when they aren’t gay…

People are allowed to ship who they want… its called freedom.

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Yeah, and people are free to think that those people are weird as hell lol.


theres a difference between shipping, and demanding…

and those that demand need to keep it in their pants

Well blizz prob won’t do it anyway. :man_shrugging:
Edit: also what…? Keep what in their pants. Yall are mad weird I swear. I keep trying to sympathize to ur points and u guys say weird stuff. Gay people don’t need ur validation or ur say so.

have you seen how thirsty folks here are?

and im not going into details on what i mean

Can’t agree more to this. Romance is usually poorly handled and is mostly only even done as one of two things. Either to shut a fandom up and give them a bit of fan service, or to wedge it in for some narrative that amounts of soapboxing where it has nothing special about it past whatever gimmick they’re trying to use to sell it. Especially when you have people like OP who will eat up a garbage story so long as the characters are of the right orientation to them and act like it was a groundbreaking and brave move narratively.

Cartoons also get this too where the second the fandom starts screaming about a romance, and hints are being made toward it that the story completely takes a backseat to that. This was a big issue with Star vs the Forces of Evil because the last two seasons were primarily focused on the romance between the two characters. Except they didn’t want to just go ahead with it and instead concocted characters and stories that existed only to delay the two getting together until the very end. Some very interesting characters. Jackie went from being an actually interesting character that Marco wanted to date into just an obstacle to delay the Star and Marco love plot. Then later they introduced a character named Kelly for that exact same reason whose only purpose was to give Marco a relationship so he couldn’t confess to Star.

Steven Universe also suffered this towards the end where it went from a decent story to basically soapboxing about same sex couples.