I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

The rest, sure, but I have to disagree on #3 only because love stories always detract from a good story. They suck. In movies, books, video games… it’s like nobody knows how to write a good believable love story. They always feel forced and annoying. I want dragons and old gods, not goo goo eyes and people making poor decisions that put everyone else at risk because they’re horny.

Sure, make him gay all day if you want, but please for the love of N’zoth just make it known, and not part of the story. That goes for all other character as well, regardless their preference of giblets.

Nope, its world of WARcraft for a reason. Not World of Lovecraft or dating simulator these people wanna make it.

These people just have sick fantasies, don’t acknowledge them. They don’t realize Wrathion is a “child” in dragon years. Really shows their true colors and what they are into.


I wish Pong was more inclusive

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Then all the letters from the abc will ask for it. Let’s focus on coherent and interesting stories with good gameplay mechanics.

Wrathion is a child in human years. Not dragon years.

Just a reminder. He isn’t even in a whelp form anymore.

Who cares? Who genuinely, actually, gives a crap? People who get huffed up on whether or not pixels on their screen are gay should go outside and touch grass.


Yay!! It’s unflagged. Gud.

Or the reverse…all the non-self-actualized gays go YEAAAHHHH!!

I don’t know how being gay makes him more interesting. So he likes dudes instead of chicks? I mean… I don’t find anyone being either or interesting. It’s just a personal preference in one’s personal life. xD It’s not interesting it’s just an everyday aspect of life.

Anduin is gay for Wrathion in my headcanon. Hopefully Blizzard will make it a reality.

You could make him whatever you want. He’s not real. None of the characters in this game are real. None of them eat, sleep or anything. Use your imagination. It’s a game.

Ummm… you do know writers of a story has what jargonly called “word of god” in said story right? She wrote several books on WoW that is canon and is apart of the of the current WoW writing team.

Also why does it matter? This game is called world of warcraft. People plays this game to kill baddies and explore a world of danger, not listen to a story about drama and sexuality.

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FYI none of the WOW book is the de facto canon, not even Chronicles, and she hasn’t actually write Anduin’s sexuality yet.

As i said, it was her quote in 2015, the writing team could’ve changed their team or view by now.

I am sorry but that is not up to you to decide what is canon or not, that is up to the writers, and as far as I can tell it is still canon.

Also don’t you guys think it is a bad idea to have anduin gay? He kinda checks allot of boxes of the stereotype of gay male that culture has cemented and continuing that would only help that discrimination.

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Where’s my 10 foot pole


I would love for Anduin to be gay.

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It’s not even (necessarily) that they themselves are personally horny for said character…number one consumer statistically of yaoi/slash tends to be straight girls/women (much like for straight men their top ‘genre’ of adult video content is female/female ). They browse through tumblr, see some spicy Wrathion X Anduin fanart and then come to the forums to demand their crack 'ship become reality in spite of all canon evidence to the contrary.

A) It does have gay characters, maybe not main but that would never, if at all hardly ever, be a focus. In what way would that help Warcraft and drive anything that a game about violence, strife, and overall; war?

B) Even though that would be nice but isn’t the fewer characters that DO exist in Warcraft right now isn’t a good idea as is that they exist, that Blizzard had listened?

C) Similar to what I said about the first point but how does being gay, let alone having ANY sort of involvement in any LGTB have a profound impact or drive for their decision making in a WAR DRIVEN game? Its hard to not sound insulting when I say “I’m coming out as Bi, I am suddenly stronger and going to cancel your homophobic behavior!” in such a fantasy game like Warcraft?

Now, there’s nothing wrong with trying to get voices heard but its next to impossible to ask for something like this to be a driving force for anything. Blizzard would have to make a entirely different character given what’s been planted for basically a decade of lore, only to be suddenly retconned from what people have known about a character. On top of it, why is it even any of our business when The Alliance/The Horde are being threatened every expansion, let alone entirety of Azeroth, where does someone’s sexual orientation matter so much? Its better to know that there are actually characters around that exist in Warcraft, are open enough to express and it is accepted. Within a single expansion we have a trans Kyrian, even so expressed that their soul manifested as a male Kyrian. Then we have two Ardenweald spirits who are clearly gay couple. And wanna know what’s interesting about this? Their society they were placed don’t even bat an eye, they are fine with it. There’s not any problem as far as other NPCs are concerned about besides some players who would otherwise question. And we, the players who don’t mind their inclusion of their existence shouldn’t be expecting more but realize we should be fine to be open as we please. God forbid that we must want more from Blizzard because its far more important than having them work on narrative that’s suppose to actually drive a already broken trainwreck that Shadowlands was. No, we apparently need someone who’s pridefully gay and someone who’s able to be a main character to give a virtue signal. And even if it were the case, lets get that out there, what IF Anduin was gay… How does that even make any sense for anything? How does just proudly or even if shyly coming out of a closet help drive any sort of narrative? This will very much last for one set of dialogue and never be spoken again. It will be as forgotten as Pelegos’ telling that he’s didn’t feel like a female in life. Its a grateful moment that someone was able to come to accepting how they felt about himself but never have we poked any further into it and have no driving force to him suddenly becoming the next Arbiter because of one’s gender identity. There’s nothing wrong with one’s gender, let alone sexual orientation but if its to help in any sort of narrative, its going to be a harsh, costly crash. I much rather Blizzard fix their act with the game than concern about something that should’ve been a personal issue about one’s self, something to be asked towards friends, family, or anybody you trust, not hoping a character would come out in a video game that will be glossed over and forgotten that it was even said.

I’m sorry but if this is any sort of attempt at representation, this is NOT the place to do it (Not that you can’t, all I ever seen from posts before this hasn’t been positive…), this is neither the time for Blizzard in adding something that has extremely little impact while having little reason for us to care why this is significant to help Warcraft’s story. All of this reminds me of one person who keeps going crazy about LGBT but keeps making it worse for himself and the community in the wrong direction that people think it has a ulterior objective than what it appears to be.

Just use your imagination.