I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Are you saying Anduin being gay is not fine?


Go back to Arkham.

Neat. Not getting dragged into your trolling

If youre going to force words in my mouth with assumptions its customary to buy dinner first.

I missed the part in school that said because you think a charater is fine the way they are is suddenly and full blown demonization and condemnation of them being anything other.

No. I prefer to have a gay character established and build upon them. Also not being a cringe steryotype.

Are you saying Anduun being straight isnt fine?

What kind of a loaded potato of a question is that? Missed the part wher I mentioned I am gay? I dont have a problem with a charater being gay if done organically and proper but just taking established characters where through multiple stories we know anduins into woman, people trying to push a sexuality on an established charater is not authentic nor genuine.

If youre gonna be fake and turn a character gay purely to get virtue points it feels like taking advantage of the group you are pandering to and its degrading.

Make a gay character, make them entertaining and fun to be around in game make them endearing. Rather then just poof see hes gay you can relate now cuz gay.
Absolutely astounding how you and many like tend to hear “the character as is is fine make something new” = him being that is evil and wrong.

Would be like saying oh because you dont want batman wearing pink you hate cancer awareness month because you disagree with him being in pink.

No I think batman is fine as is and him wearing pink is not who he is as hes been established leave it be and make something new that you can do with what you will.

Long rant but seriously dinner first. ;p

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Dosen’t make sense that Anduin would have a relationship with Wrathion.

My friend that’s what a troll thread does. It’s to cause Discord through phony outrage. And then you reply and then they reply in another way thats over the top and so on and so forth until it snowballs which it already has at this point

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But they played Pandaren Parcheesi together that one time, and that’s a game only people who are into each other would play. /s

a 21 year old should’nt have relationships with a 9 year old.


yeah… Seems these are making a return and its not even Sunday lol been a long week of mandatory OT

Don’t we genuinely worry about sexuality enough in life? Aren’t game supposed to be the break away from our everyday problems. This is part of the reason why we’re receiving games in poor quality. Developers are focusing a little too much on their agenda instead of making a quality game.

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Looks like people disagree with you OP. No offense, but how does his sexual preference push a better narrative?


Not for them making old characters in to token representatives of any group . All of you deserve new characters that are developed in a meaningful way .

I think they did fine with the 2 in Ardenweald and I will say ok for Pelagos for starters.

Maybe in 10.0 they can create a character that will go forward from 10.0 on to other expansions and will be come a newer lore character that can be related to and is not straight or white or whatever .

Anduin and Wrathion wouldn’t work out anyway.

I just discovered that Dwarves of Orzammar in dragon age origins is based on Indian society

That…brought a smile in my face :blush:

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No, just no.
Remember when they almost made a gay dragon in Bastion of Twilight and the voice acting was disastrously bad and camp?

California gays are also different from other expressions of same-sex attracted men in the rest of the Western world. I do not trust Blizzard at all to make a dignified representation that doesn’t completely swallow the character up with camp and sexualization.

Has there ever even been a kiss in WoW? Romance isn’t part of the game.


I kissed a bunch of frogs in Northrend this one time for a quest. Pretty intense stuff.


Kinda like you are because your having the digital equivalent of a temper tantrum? We don’t care, and we’ve stopped caring about irrational hateful people like you calling others “phobes” as your go-to a knee-jerk reaction when it relates to any disagreement or opposition to your exceptionally narrow-minded views or opinions. Go away.

You don’t see people demanding Shaw and Flynn, Qadarin and Therniax, nor even Bladeguard Kaja and General Rakeera to be made straight. Because of that, you have no right to demand that an already decided character (confirmed to like women if you bothered reading the books) be changed.

You have representation. It’s just not the one that you wanted. You won’t be happy until it’s Anduin, but let’s be honest here. Even if it was, we all know that would not be enough because people with your mentality simply move the goal posts to the next target of your needs.

You seem like the kind of person that tells someone they are gay, and that they just need to submit. Frankly and honestly speaking? People are sick of that kind of mentality and the people who employ it as a weapon to shut down any form of dialogue.

Not that you probably know a thing about it, but this vaunted tolerance you keep saying you want shown to you? That my friend is a two way street, and the fact of the matter is, your words and statements as outlined in your original post make it abundantly clear, that you have no tolerance for anyone save getting your way, and sating your own wish-fulfillment desires.

Because of that, I believe this has nothing to do with sexuality, or representation and instead has everything to do with you trying to force Blizzard’s hand with what amounts to a form of blackmail. You really should stop trying to use the LGBTQ crowds as pawns to push your agendas. No one appreciates it, the least of all them.

We both know the answer. It doesn’t. This is about someone who just wants their will adhered to, because they demanded it. It’s essentially about domination and forced acceptance. Funnily enough the very things we are fighting in the Shadowlands. OP should get a hint.

Oh and Wrathion is a child as a reminder.


A) Warcraft has no gay main characters
shaw in bfa was a main alliance character who is gay.
B) My gay peers would feel more included -and finally-
C) It would be interesting narratively
not at all. Nothing about characters sexual attraction appeals to me narratively. Blizz needs to focus on good stories, this is to me is just dribble. Its also kinda weird how the only male character that is not super macho needs to be gay.

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