I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

It was more believable at the beginning of the thread

You are just going too obvious at this point

How is not now?

yea these havent been good arguments

“i will get my way” means this thread turned into a joke thread.


It’s not bait, I think he should be.

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Yea weak arguments, superficial

I hope all your dreams come true op


I know what tokenism is.

I don’t care for empty virtue-signaling from a company that has proven it couldn’t care less about LGBTQ+. Forgive me if I’d like to see gay characters added with depth and quality writing rather than as a check box for, ‘representation.’ Calling Anduin, ‘gay,’ and then saying, 'See? Gay main character. You’re included LGBTQ! folks," would not be something I’m interested in at all.

Now, if we go to the world Thiernax and his husband came from and got to learn the history of those two, of how their actions impacted their world, of the legacy their love and sacrifices left behind, I’d be pretty satisfied by that.

That’s just me though. As you said, people are different. If you’re fine with, “Oh, and Muradin is gay,” or something, and consider that to be, ‘representation,’ then good for you. To me, it’s just hollow virtue-signalling.


Thanks, I hope your dreams become a reality as well my friend. Take good care.

Ask Pharah and Mercy how that went…

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Lesbian erasure, if we’re gonna go full on undergrad seminar.

Representation starts somewhere,

You’re making the fight for better writing be the thing that argues against representation? And who decides if its cringey you? Malfurion and Tyrande are cringey, their also an example of Blizzard writing, that doesn’t make representation not important, and LGBTQ+ stories shouldn’t be held behind some check list from people who probably don’t want those stories told anyways but most often would use your talking points to try display a veneer of reasonableness.

Again representation shouldn’t be held to some standard that Blizzard writing isn’t at, in the meantime representation being added is important, the state of blizzard writing bettering itself is its own conversation that applies to the whole game not just LGBTQ+ stories

Bro im not replying to you, learn how the forum work.

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Like I said, if you’re happy with, “Muradin is gay,” then more power to you. I’m far more interested in something with depth and meaning, like exploring Thiernax’s world and the impact he and his husband left upon it.

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As you reply to them?

Because he keep misreplying to me, what is wrong with you? Too old already?

Why do you assume it’s macho men disliking your post? Anduin isn’t macho and girls like feminine men aswell Anduin is loved by people on both sides of the gender equation.

You want to make good representative characters you have to do it from the ground up you don’t just tick a box and go “yep this one’s gay” it’s hollow and poor.

Yeah man. I put a walking cane in my cart on Amazon today.

I’ve used before and honestly I never really got banned for it lol
I did get ban several times for using other words, but never this one lol

Yea this is just trolling.

Yeah, that’s sad, your days are over.

Oh. Well. I like Bananas.