I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

In February 2022 a Gallup poll reported that 7.1% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.


@honeypot @axaron

i have discord: scorched#9805

and bnet: scorched#1714

just throwing that out there. :stuck_out_tongue:

The author who writes the story said he likes girls. Therefore it has been established.

Roughly 21% of Generation Z Americans who have reached adulthood – those born between 1997 and 2003 – identify as LGBT. That is nearly double the proportion of millennials who do so


That is from the same resource, Gallup, Blizzard as a company should notice this trend, Anduin could be the most iconic video game gay icon, he already is the most shipped gay pairing in WOW already.


He can still have a child, adopt some refugee or something.


Why do you want to be discord friends

Maybe mechagnomes and goblins can figure a way to allow men to give birth.
I’m +1 for Anduin getting pregnant from a dragon.

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just to chat. i’ve added other people i like from the forums. my wife has joined some discord groups i’m in as well. lol.

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Yes even from a marketing perspective it makes sense, but they’re too daft and too busy being sued to oblivion by the state while being bought by a larger entity so those sorts of decisions fall by the wayside.

You’re absolutely right though, Anduin could become a household name if 10.0 is a successful reboot just for being the gay main character of a game, if they pitched it right.

This all being if money was the objective. I do genuinely just want him to be gay.

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I want to play WoW with someone, all my friends quit so long ago. Also Anduin is going to be the first major gay video game protagonist.

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Golden is just a writer, she will do anything the narrative designer told her to. And that tweet is from 2015, the situation has changed alot by now.

What Blizzard need to know right now is that there are indeed alot of interest in seeing Wranduin being canon.

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I’m not even on your top liked ppl on the forum. Chat with them. :nail_care:t2:

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Twitter is not a place where Warcraft storytelling is done, and she is not the narrative team lead. Her Twitter remarks are not canon in the Simpson’s Comic Book guy sense.

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I don’t need sympathy hearts.


the people i initially played with are long gone as well. :frowning: if nothing else could play together in 9.2.5 when cross faction stuff comes + in future expansions. my ally is in 226 gear atm and can’t do much. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes you do. Also Anduin is gay, and that’s pretty much that. He’s gonna have a super cute relationship with a hot dude.

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how do you know? :smirk_cat:

I’m all for it but I want him to pass on those genes

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Its very simple. I just looked.

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follow the money, because mmorpgs have a lot of gays like myself. i’m very confident that anduin will be gay if the narrative and corporate team somehow link up. the game will get woke points and the media will scope it again.

also i will get my way and andy will be gay

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