I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

No thanks.

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I’d like both to be honest.

I’m not opposed to them adding openly gay characters without butchering a romance story either, for that matter. I think Thiernax and Qadarin were a good example. They’re gay, but it wasn’t some cringy romance story, it was just a natural part of their characters.

Do something like that with main characters and I wouldn’t have any issues at all.

Well if i were to guess, it would be that monarchs typically would like to pass their rule over a kingdom down to their child to keep the family heritage alive and well, if something were ever to happened to that monarch.

If that’s wrong, somebody will feel free to tell this.

Golden doesn’t know what she’s talking about, especially after she admit it in Exploring Kalimdor book, she’s just a writer.

We’re trying to persuade the narrative designer here.

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This is entirely irrelevant. Battle for Azeroth was an expansion. It was a canonical story. It’s popularity doesn’t mean anything when you had a main character who had been on the ship since day 1 who had been in every major story beat revolving around the Alliance also be gay. Just because your opinion of it isn’t the best does not change this fact. That’s nonsense.

Shaw had entire chapters dedicated to him and Flynn’s romance in the novel Shadow’s Rising. and novels are where most meaningful development and canonical relationships actually exist.


Look man, I hate the books as much as the next person, but w/e this thing is you’re doing… it’s making you look dumb.


Do you not know what representation is?

Why are you calling something cringey? Do you think every gay person is a certain way, some people are more visibly so, some not so much, there’s various types of people all valid to show this idea that they only show gay characters if they adhere to this check list to make them as little noticeably gay as possible is not the take.

WoW needs more gays, I’m gay and I want to see more gays in video games. Not like 50% but maybe the amount in real life. I also relate to the character Anduin, as corny as that is, I have always mained a priest and never been a big burly person or super aggressive and I’m quite sensitive and so forth.

It’s a manifold issue and I fully admit to having great bias. Anduin being gay would just be lit and relatable to me.

It’s pretty much that simple if you live in my head. But not everyone has to think like this, like I appreciate if you tell me you think Anduin shouldn’t be. Just be nice. I’m trying to calm down a little bit too. I didn’t expect this to become so chaotic. I will listen to you even if your opinion is hateful, so long as your approach is not.


I have no issue with a new LGBTQIA character(s).
It doesn’t make sense however to make a character who has been established by the writers to be straight already, just to check a box.


So like 3.5% for LGB and 0.3% for T?

Different understandings of the cutscene, he never said a name and they always had a thing for each other due to their spy-professions. Therefore to me I know its Valeera he was talking about and she was making advances.

Some people realize their sexuality at different times of their life and bisexuality exists so it depends.

I really don’t care for Anduin period though or any of the main characters

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This is not good science or surveying, most queer people in the world are in the closet.

That one was written by Copeland. Not her.

No. No they did not.

You literally cannot disprove otherwise, its been in front of you always Valeera was chasing after him subtly.

It was from a 2011 report, a bit old. But the most recent one I’ve seen is 7.1%

this is like the arguments that pelagos wasn’t trans because reasons. people will see what they want to see.

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  1. There is no official canon stating Anduin’s sexuality, Twitter is not an official source of Warcraft canon. Flirtations are not relations, he’s had them with men and women.

  2. It’s not checking off a box, it’s a a way some of us are and it changes relationship dynamics. Not everything has to be reduced to tokenized virgue signaling. Anduin might just be gay.

Yeah and its freaking dumb