I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

This is an aside for the most part, BFA was not a popular expansion for the average Warcraft fan. It did not establish them as titular characters or nerd-household names.

Or the outside media they were in.

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So it doesn’t count then? gtfo of here with that.


Count for what, exactly? OP clearly states that I’m referring to (my) definition of “main character” – I think Shaw and Fairwind is one of the better written, albeit hard to access, romance plots present in Warcraft lore.

Then by that definition we’re the main character and this whole thread is just pointless.


I disagree with this especially because it’s more of a touchy subject with LGBTQ+ people. There are no systemic issues that are immediately apparent to someones health both mental and physical just for being straight in pretty much everywhere in the world. While vice versa with anyone who represents any other group.

I won’t applaud Blizzard for taking such a serious issue and topic and making it into a cringy marriage because I honestly believe that people should demand for better characters and better narratives. I don’t want a Matthias Shaw because he’s just a background character that not a lot of people really know about in terms of personality, mannerisms, likes and dislikes ect. ect.

I personally want characters who, if they are LGBTQ+, straight or even Cthulu Lovecraftian monsters, to have quests and storylines where we get to know them through the actual conflicts that are going on in the game. And in the end when we’re all standing triumphant, these characters were there, pivotal parts of the story and it gives these groups a character not only to identify with but to look up and aspire to be (even though we know they’re not real).

Trust me when I say I criticize Blizzards bad writing with straight couples as well. But I think it’s a HUUUUUUGE disservice to look at the struggles going on in these groups and then try to cash in just by stating a characters sexual identity and wearing Pride pins at Blizzcon.

It’s not that I think less of them. I think companies should be doing more is what I’m saying if they truly care.

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I would like that to be the entire SL storyline

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Yeah no, so the main characters in WoW (not Warcraft, but WoW lore) are these names and you know it: Jaina, Thrall, Sylvanas, Anduin, Arthas, Varian and Illidan. I may be missing a couple but they’re the crowd pleasers and rockstars to the average WoW player.

You’re not wrong on that, though i think people would prefer to see good and well written marriages (regardless if it’s straight or not) then cringy ones tbh.

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Meanwhile that gay male best friend is like:


i love the idea but i dont think blizzard is brave enough



This did crack me up, oh dear. <3 this thread got better aww.

Anyways WHAT is exactly so ~controversial~ about people wanting Anduin to be homosexual, especially in 2022?

What makes this such a hot button issue? Why did I get so many replies so fast. I expected a little bit of very temporary engagement but this has been going on for hours now…

I actually underestimated how big this would get so it became super hard to follow. Thanks for bearing with me people who are being genuine or supportive.

He should be straight with one adorable gnome in particular, Rita, so she can become queen of the Eastern Kingdoms, and then he will suddenly get a Shadow Word: Death out of nowhere, getting killed and making Rita not only the queen but also the one to burn up the sun! That’s what it’s about, baby! #AllHailQueenRita


Finally some good lore writing in current WoW


You know I shouldn’t reply to this, but a romance arch with Anduin and some hot guy as the plot for an entire expansion would have been more interesting than the Zovaal arch and Shadowlands.

The point of representation is important, the fight for better writing is it’s own discussion and argument.

If you want better writing that shouldn’t stop representation from being added.

I think it’s unfair to expect lgbtq+ / diversity being added to adhere to some high standard otherwise this concept of not doing it? Representation starts somewhere. Malfurion and Tyrande are hardly the romance couple of the year, the quest for better writing should be universal, this idea of lgbtq+ receiving the same level of story telling being tokenism isn’t fair if it’s more or less either something or nothing, Blizzards storytelling is the Tyrande malfurion meh level of things, why would lgbtq characters being at the same level be tokenism but straight ones aren’t?

How do you figure?

I really wish they’d not do anything dealing with sexuality in games of this genre. There are games made for that thing and people who want that sort of game should feel free to partake of their offerings.

Because Anduin is iconic and masculine people act differently than feminine people and he’s about the age where some people are ready to have a monogamous partner.

Who cares? Kingdoms in WOW falls all the time.

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