I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

cata happened. thrall/aggra. or valashara “MAAAAAAAAALFUUUUUUUUUURION MY BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELOOOOOOOOOOOVED” happened. and tons of other smaller things. did either of those biggie things have to happen to create a great narrative? no. is that pandering to straight people? well?


Thank you for being contributive, Malfurion and Tyrande is a perfect example of a romance arch and implied heterosexual relationship which is persistent in the lore. This is what I want for Anduin in 10.0, only, you know, hopefully gay. I can’t help that I hope he’s gay. I just want to relate to him, I love his character. He’s the one left I really… care about. Almost.

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Why is this flagged?

I’d be gud with it.

I honestly always wondered why he wouldn’t go for Valeera. Hmm, seems like we have the answer.

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No that’s just bad writing. Which that last one got meme’d on pretty hard in my community and many others. Just like to me when they randomly decide someones sexual preference. Personally I criticize both heavily.


Well that’s because Overwatch is a PvP Arena sort of game. Not really the best time to be saying “Gosh, i hope my same sex partner is doing alright”… Maybe Pre-banner banter, but ehh.

That and i think Blizzard wants to try to give these characters respect, as in… not do tokenism for the sake of it?

Rip Flynn and Shaw.

WoW doesn’t stop anybody from playing. It doesn’t stop you with a hand in your face and go “Oop, sorry, were feeling the non-straight coming off your fingers with Microsoft’s patented Keyboard and Mouse tracking technology software that was forcibly updated via by Windows 11. Sorry, but have a ban.”

How’s a character’s marriage preference’s make a narrative interesting? … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Neither are you.


yes, yes it is. and if straight people can have cringey marriages in game then it should be fair game for everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wish I didn’t know the answer to that–but people literally cannot stand the idea. For some reason it’s controversial to want a male character to have a another gay male character as their lover.

You should do your homework before you post lies

You’re a great person Dokthar, thank you for keeping things constructive.

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Funny how preserving the royal dynasty is an all-imporant qualification of kingship when explaining why Anduin can’t be gay, but magically ceases to be relevant when Callia Menethil is proposed as Forsaken Queen of Lordaeron.

Almost as though there were some other thought process in play.


Daddy Jailer has him now

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Yup. Deal with it.

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Depends on what you define as a main character, but Anduin is more well known to Warcraft fans than Fairwind and Shaw

Varian is boring kill him and revive Onyxia.


The fact that Blizzard can’t even make straight marriages anything other than cringe is more than enough reason that I don’t want to see them try to virtue signal with a gay marriage. It’d be worse than cringe. I can’t imagine what, but Blizzard has consistently proven it is capable of going beyond the worst I can imagine by leaps and bounds.

Blizzard keeps lowering the bar. I really don’t want to see them lower it while dragging homosexuality through the mud in the process.

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We had a lot more to do with Shaw than we did with Anduin in BFA.

And the point still stands, do the homework before spewing out lies.


They did twice, but not in her dommy mommy form UwU

I would love it, personally. :rainbow:

I’ve said for years that I wish I had a gay male best friend :sob:

Its time to get with the times.

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Exactly, he’s ignoring the fact that shaw and flynn where literal main characters in BFA