I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

This is discussed early in the thread, but no. Even if it was I’m not sure what the big problem is. Horde does this every expansion.

I don’t see any valuable discussion other than “me!, me! me!” you just wanted to be on the spotlight, ignoring everything else everyone had to say.

Yeah but Horde are cobbled together savages.

Warchiefs and upstarts die all the time but a King of a people who normally rule through succession…well.

That makes for fertile grounds for bloodshed and conflict.

(unless SW operates off Adam and Eve rules Imma assume no?)

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let’s all say it together bisexuality is real and valid and so is polyamory

anduin is a grown man. he can do whatever he wishes.

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Then I demand a race of half breeds.

What was their explanation then? Besides, it is “interesting narratively” which isn’t an explanation to want something. It’s the same as someone saying We should explore Baine sexuality without saying why because they might think it’s an interesting narrative.

Pansexuality and Bisexuality erasure is a huge problem, props for this post. He certainly can and as far as I’m concerned despite what has been Tweeted or his various flirtations with both men and women–there’s room for his character to take on a more fluid sexuality and have a significant other. That’s why I created OP.

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You know that Forsaken reproduce asexually right? they are raised from the dead or made from raw intestines blended together. How about we ship Lilian Voss x Amalia Stone.

Yeah this is a touchy subject for a lot of people. Primarily because they want serious representation in the games they play and movies/tv shows they watch. And just for the record I’m fine with them having representation, but I wish corporations would go further than just stating someones sexual preference.

Make and build actual characters people want to aspire to be. Not ones solely just to make money. Also like I said earlier, I wouldn’t want Blizzard to represent me in anything after all the news thats been coming out about their work environment.

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How is this relevant, are you intentionally avoiding the discussion? Asexuals are present in reality as well.

…didn’t that plot point fall off of Blizzard radar as motivation for Sylvanas being evil?

The Val’kyr produce (read: resurrect) the Forsaken in stead of Sylvanas and her banshees directly, this began before she went full batsh-.

why would you care who anduin want to have sex with

This is about romance and partnership not sex.

I really, genuinely hope he is not.

You say that like that should be totally fine…

Validation. That’s it.

That’s not good enough for them, they need that moment where they feel like they “won” something.

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A) WoW has no gay main characters that you’re aware of. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any. World of Warcraft isn’t a narrative about romance, and Blizzard is pretty bad at romance in general.

B) I feel plenty included with Shaw and Flynn, even if Flynn is too good for Shaw. There are other characters out there too.

C) I disagree. Anduin has been pretty frequently shown to be straight, or at the least bisexual. We’ve never had an internal monologue about him finding men attractive, but there have been several about various women. He could be bisexual, sure, but outright gay doesn’t mesh with his existing character.

Speaking as a gay man, Anduin would be a pretty horrible character for representation. There’s too much wrong with him in terms of writing as is. I’d rather Blizzard created a new character that was gay, than make Anduin gay. Modern Blizzard can be pretty good with new characters, but mess up pre-existing ones almost all of the time.


Anduin is borring kill him and revive Varian.

Well, yeah … I mean’s he’s being dominated right now, right … he’s for sure going to be happy when he’s freed. I just hope he doesn’t smoke

You really didn’t make that clear in your post, which is why you need to be thorough when making these kinds of posts. And yes I did read the thread and nothing came out of this, you still haven’t explained your reasoning on why it would be an “interesting narrative” to know one’s sexuality.