I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Sir, have you done operation shield wall?

Fennie Hornswaggle has some VERY interesting discourse about her involvement with a certain blonde prince to say to you in your comings and goings from Lion’s landing in her plane.

I feel like a lot of things span between minority groups it’s why it’s important to stand in solidarity with each other when advocating for representation.


Except I’m not? I have zero problems with someone being gay or whatever they want to be. You’re the one trying to paint me as this or that buzzword to make yourself look and feel better lol.

And in doing so, contributing to said negative perception


if you choose to dislike all gay people because you assume the panda and i are gay (which neither of us have stated in this thread) you are just looking to hate people.

i am gay. but that’s not why i am telling you to not be a bigot.


When did I say I hate gay people. Quote the line.

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Let’s makes all the NPCs asexual pod ppl that grow in pots.


wouldn’t that make them pot people? :stuck_out_tongue:

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What about a wow character whose whole personality is just all the guys they are with

A real man’s man

What if it’s the jailer

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Sure, I guess it would


Thank you to those who have kept it civil and respectful, really. I’ve learned a few things in the thread and am trying my best to circumnavigate the derailment. I appreciate you.

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There have been arguments in this thread since it started. Some people are oblivious to the struggles the lgbtq community have to go through. It’s a wasted effort trying to appeal to people here, when they can’t even reason with you.

you have FOUR posts. mmmkay.

Actually, some people have already had valuable discussions, granted it a needle in a haystack situation but I don’t regret starting this thread, not one bit.

This is my main, are you happy?

i wasn’t talking to you. i have no issues with you. just mr panda doing their best to try to shut down any sort of discussion.

Ah, gotcha. My bad mate.

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What a shotshow this thread turn out to be, it could have been productive but OP just wanted to watch the forums devolve into madness. Zero explanation on his reasoning and just added fuel to the fire. Sad to say this was a troll thread.


It sounds like you didn’t read it and find what are some valuable discussions. It’s also a shame that you didn’t decide to post anything productive yourself.

he did give explanations but it wasn’t enough for the forum police who decide you have to write a dissertation as to why you want something they hate. and that’s what it is. people have dislike for things they don’t understand.

me? sylvanas x jaina :wink:

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Does this mean that the linage for the human race is broken?