I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Why would this make him more interesting? I already find him fascinating because he is the only genuinely good character with integrity left.

Everyone else wants to be a misunderstood villain.

Well it might be a story improvement after sl story only way is up.

Says Shaw and Flynn are not cannon then brings up dialogue from after a quest that is Shaw/Flynn being cannon

Valeera Sanguinar says: The bitter war is over, yet it seems few among us are in the mood for celebration. Our young king least of all.

Master Mathias Shaw says: A great weight rests upon King Anduin’s shoulders. I fear his burden won’t get lighter anytime soon.

Valeera Sanguinar says: And what of you, Shaw? What is there for Stormwind’s spymaster to do in a time of peace?

Master Mathias Shaw says: You know as well as I that a true spy never rests. There is always a new conspiracy to uncover. That said, I may find a bit of time for myself.

Valeera Sanguinar says: Just yourself?

Master Mathias Shaw says: There is someone I would like to… get to know better. But such things are best taken slowly. Carefully.

Valeera Sanguinar says: Spoken like a true spy. Just remember, happiness is a fleeting thing. Find it while you can, Shaw.

Master Mathias Shaw says: Perhaps I will, Valeera. Perhaps I will.

Just cause a guy talks to a girl about relationships doesn’t mean it’s to the girl


That’s fine. He seems to be straight to me though. So maybe he is?

individuals =/= an entire community. check yourself.

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To this I say, you don’t either. To echo a prior accusation.

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It’s not bigotry? If it’s just one person, then sure I’d agree. But when people are CONSTANTLY having interactions with people that act like that person does, who are part of that community, it will create a general perception among people who aren’t part of it. That’s how that works


Well you were right about one thing. It looks like “all the fragile macho men” did indeed go reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


no… that’s call being prejudiced. don’t keep double and tripling down on not being so great at not being able to look at a person just as a person.


Never fails, nonetheless I’m enjoy the discussion among the few who can answer without fallacy and rage. I don’t regret creating the thread.

I also dislike the narrative that lgbtq+ people have all these hoops to jump through otherwise it’s “tokenism” non lgbtq+ characters can just exist with the bare minimum so too should lgbtq+ ones

There’s also all kinds of lgbtq+ peoples and I often hear “I don’t mind them as long as they don’t make it their personality” well guess what being a person of color is important to people of color, being gay is important to people who are gay, representation is important, and some characters that might get written may be more obviously gay than others and those characters are just as valid as characters that are written to be not as obvious because people are different characters are different and it’s representation.


that’s still bigotry, stereotypical and just plain old hatred and prejudice. no matter how hard you try to swing it you are trying to justify hatred lol.

I don’t think I’ve once pondered the sexuality of the characters in the game.

I just don’t understand why it matters so dang much to some gay people.

Make up your own assumptions in your own head like the rest of us.

Not to say it doesn’t exist, but I don’t recall anything in the game that would indicate anduins preference. As far as I know, he could like animals.

So, I’m my head, he’s a straight man until otherwise given to me in game.

You can think he’s a gay man in your head.

We don’t need to know.

I certainly don’t care and nor should you.

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This is absolutely huge, for every civil rights movement, not just queer folks.

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Anduin and Taelia be makin lots o sense. Dey both young ones dat have sort of been left wit large responsibilities and follow their hearts when it comes ta doin something that is right. Dey both be fighters who refuse ta just stand on da sidelines. I be thinkin they could accomplish a lot but like it could actually have a story to it that could actually drive a narrative forward. Dat be good ta me.

He could be likin men too. But I don’t be seein why he like Wrathion. Wrathion be cute but he is not a good person to want a relationship with mon. Anduin not be so stupid.

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nobody cares about clark kent taking on the batman

People often forget there are quite literally characters where being straight is half their character as well. Like the archetype of the guy that has sex with all the womens for example lel.


You and the panda are contributing btw. People crawl out of the woodwork to attack people who disagree with the thread, my proof is here lol. It’s WAY worse outside of the World of Warcraft forums where people lose things like their jobs for disagreeing with people. Because said people, got insanely upset that someone doesn’t kneel before them and agree with everything they say.

You can’t look around the world and say that multitudes of people that are all part of the same community, that contribute to a negative perception via acting rude to others for x or y reason is just individuals and not the community.


Also a salient point, glad to see some constructiveness coming out of my post.