I re-did the essence grind on an alt

I still did have not done them. Figure i will not be doing raids or mythic. It safe to say i will not require them. I do want to raid. Just too busy.

Getting BiS essences doesn’t matter. Perhaps git gud and put up with the grind if you think it matters so much.

I would argue the content you suffer the most from having lower ranking essences is PVP. I don’t DPS in raids anymore so I couldn’t tell you if there was an essence where rank 3 was make or break for damage output.

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The AoTC person is telling me to get good help I’m drowning in irony.


This is actually the most accurate answer. Having BiS might matter in PvP. None of the essences provide enough bonus to make or break any PvE content.

Without the grinds, I would have nothing to do on my alts.

I logged on to get the new Brewfest stuff and haven’t logged on other than that.

I used to play 100 hours a week or more. (Keep your opinions to yourself, people who will judge). Now I play 0.

How’s that for your time played metric Blizzard?

Tanking without rank 3 Nullification Dynamo made things really annoying not having the extra dmg output from it. That was the worst grind so far.

For PVE that was my biggest struggle, but I do agree with OP that the essence grind really was a sad day for people who loved alts. That is people who loved alts and wanted to PVP and do lots of content with them. It put a bad roadblock in front of them imo

You’re actually clueless and talking so far out of your sphere you don’t even understand.

Do you know why so many guilds got stuck on Ashvane? Because their Dps couldn’t meet the DPS requirement to break the third shield which was an instant wipe.

The reason guilds steamroll it now is because of gear in the first 3 and SURPRISE THE THIRD ESSENCE SLOT


Sounds like your guild needed to git gud.

My guild was 198th in the world to kill it and we raid two nights a week.

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Totally impressive.

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I realized I would rather do chores then regrind essences. Weird huh… Most activities are more fun then regrinding them on alts.

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I’m really not sure why you guys are arguing. Mythic raiders I can see being very upset about the alt grind put in front of them. Others not as much. Me? I raid casually and have abandoned my alt this time around. I just got frustrated that I had to repeat a nauseating grind. I wish all alts at least started with rank 1 of what was earned on the main.

So now my big plan is to level a hordie war and to do it all over again no life style! :laughing:

You are trash at the game just stop talking.


Because I don’t really care if people believe or not. Anonymous opinions don’t really mean much to me and I’d rather not be stalked on my mains, which has happened in the past.

This exactly…

Nobody is saying that they don’t matter. The argument is that the increase from having a 3rd slot is not as much as people think it is. On average, it makes around a 5% difference. If you’re on a boss and are wiping at 5% repeatedly, and the whole raid doesn’t have third slots, then yes, it might mean the difference of killing the boss or not. In most cases, it’s not going to make or break anything because the bosses usually aren’t tuned around the whole raid having three instead of two.

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It’s actually impossible to be “good” at WoW. It’s like five buttons, dude.


I love LFR heroes and AOTC buyers who want to tell people how the game works. Please continue.

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Yeah it’s the reason I quit WoW, got too many chars to re-grind for. Even grinding azerite is lame enough, but essences too? Let’s see how next expansion will be.

Nice job on your one heroic Jaina kill in June… Talk about someone who probably paid for an AOTC lol… But I must say that I love your cute attempt at insulting! :blush: