I ran 6 AQ40's

QQing week 1 is kinda insane lol guessing u werent there for P3??? pull ur hair somewhere else… steamroll content isnt what we want!!!

Hm, yeah possibly. One raid in my guild had tons of trouble with Fankriss. My raid easily one-shot it. So yeah idk. Couple be multiple things. :confused:

It’s not the difficulty it’s the encounters with bugs that need to be fixed

i would agree that the clear bugs need fixed.

the spawn rate on some of the “adds” fights is inconsistent and sometimes wayyyyyy too fast to the point of double spawns and crap.

i dont think it needs any “difficulty nerfs” other than the bugs being fixed which will naturally bring it in line to be more reasonable.

seems they have buffed aq 10 or whatever mobs 50% or something so they are doing something ive heard.

You mean when they nerfed eranikus and adds by over 50% in the first lockout?

You’re playing a version of classic wow that has had every single raid be relatively easy and able to be cleared by pugs. If you want prog hard mode content, play a different version of wow.

And they are nerfing the worms on fankriss hp by a significant amount.

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I believe you would finish most of the raids if the gdkp remained. :zipper_mouth_face:

Hate to break the news to you, your guild is bad.

You SOD players are so funny, you call it hardmode (its not hard its classic) and then cry when you cant full clear in hardmode week 1. Grow up its called progression, use strategy, rotate cds, quit crying.


the original wasn’t pug-friendly either.

19 Guilds have cleared it on 40 Player Normal
4 Guilds have cleared it on 20 Player Normal.
Now 49 Guilds have cleared it on 20 Player Heroic.

You can’t say it is over tuned based on the statistics shown.
You have people who want to clear with more people than 20,
others who only want to progress on Heroic.

More Guilds will clear as they continue to work on progression.

this guy really thinks you’re spoon fed unless you spend 10 hours wiping on “prog” of a seasonal re-release with 15 minute run backs lmao.

competent players who are fully min maxxed and buffed should have an easy time clearing everything under the classic banner. Want a harder experience? take off your buffs.


Why does this game have to cater to handing out gear?
Specifically when they come out with a “heroic/hardmode” version specifically created to be more challenging than 2019/2004(2005)?

You expect to run in and one shot everything with ease?
No problems whatsoever?

They still have the era version of this game if you want free gear.
Go have fun on normal.
Don’t enter Heroic and complain about “it’s too difficult!”

It wouldn’t have been difficult if it wasn’t bugged or just blatantly overtuned.

Huhuran was keeping her enrage effect if you wipe during the last few % of the fight which isn’t exactly, the fight being difficult to not be able to prog for an hour till it runs out.

It’s really cool that they added these hardmode mechanics that make you wipe if you stack the raid, why would you want to stack the raid you might ask? Well, how about the 4th boss, Fankriss? Where you need to stack on his tail to stack the adds that will enrage and 1 shot your tanks so you have to stack the adds and ONLY cleave OFF the adds onto the boss for the entire fight. How about any of the trash packs that charge around and launch people? Too bad morons, can’t stand in safe spots to avoid getting yeeted otherwise you’ll aoe your entire raid instantly. Or if you’re a melee heavy raid fighting the 3rd boss, Sartura, and thus have a bunch of people stacked up on the boss/adds in between whirlwinds.

It’s retail raid design in the vanilla game design and it doesn’t work. Do you know where I spawn if I die in a retail raid? Like 10 feet away from the boss. In classic I have a ~30-40 second run back to the portal, followed by anywhere from 5 seconds to multiple minute long run back, then have to go through full rebuff+consumables. For comparison on retail you have flask->food->pre-pot. Do you see where the friction is? Can you comprehend how stupid this design is?

If I wanted genuinely difficult raiding, I would probably be on FF14, because Blizzard hasn’t made a single encounter that has been difficult in the right ways. Pre-nerf Vashj was a pretty challenging fight, you wanna know what needed to be fixed? The poison from the bats just needed to not tick before it visibly appeared. That was my biggest complaint with the fight. When they nerfed it, they gutted it. And it was never interesting at all again.


i was in one of these early pugs. It was surprising how hard some of the encounters got stomped, however we did run quite a few raiders, about 30. If we stay dialed in this week im sure we will make it to C’thun faster, and he will go down for sure. Just have half the melee stand out in ranged during P1 to cut down on beam chains. I think its a pretty cut and dried win. way less stuff to deal with than Mythic BWL in the raid as a whole. Plus how many of the raiders can you really say had a deep understanding of the fight before seeing C’thun this past weekend?

anyways, gg ez win next week!

Brother, they literally made a hard mode for the raid.

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its a cumulative problem

its not like “oh 1 bug, bye”

its instead “im sick of this constant crap bye”

You had 20, and did normal mode. Your team had really 10 great players too that are max geared or at least parsing like they are, something prolly not gonna see in pugs. Had they been closer to your logs (which is what I expect pugs to have), not even sure normal would have went down.

Please don’t underplay / misrepresent how the content is tuned.


I wouldn’t care about the difficulty iff the loot tables were good.

But the loot tables are trash, making the ROI feel equally trashy.

Between holiday timing, other games releasing, AQ not being fun for most + long af, loot ables are terrible…This phase is going to die fast as a result. Might not be a bad thing because people love naxx, and so they will be back for it.

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AQ loot tables are certainly not trash. Lots of great loot in there. AQ, when properly tuned, is very fun.

Are the developers even testing these bosses on live? C’Thun normal mode is taking 11 minutes for a kill, instead of 4 minutes.

There has to be something wrong with the armor or damage modification he is taking during weaken phase.

The Fankriss nerf was much needed - but C’thun double spawning eye beams, and then not taking the proper amount of damage during weaken.

It is mathematically possible this time around, but is 11 minute boss fights with everyone alive and fully consumed and world buffed - really the fight experience you want Blizzard?

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