I ran 6 AQ40's

Post on your SoD toons.

I did it on Heroic with a pug up to Twins. Took about 3-4 hours and then we disabled it and cleared the rest. We wiped once on Fankris and that’s about it. To me that was perfect. I don’t expect to kill C’thun on the first week, especially not in a pug, and especially not on Heroic. In fact that’s what I would prefer.

Dude go outside, this post is actually pathetic. One giant contradiction about wanting progression while also not wanting to die. “I wanna full clear heroic with pugs 6 times in the first week but also want to call it progression and not die”. Raiding aq40 six times in the first week, are you kidding me right now, that’s embarrassing

Breath air.


According to warcraftlogs 20 man section, only 63 guilds have cleared fankriss, normal and hardmode combined.

155 guilds cleared sartura, the boss right before fankriss.

So about 60% of the guilds that tried aq 20 man (normal and hardmode combined) in the first lockout couldn’t get past the 4th boss.

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Lol you dumb af. Go talk to other guilds. AQ40 is way overtuned. The more people you bring the easier it should be. So why is it that groups that went with 23-25 couldnt clear with ease? Because its overturned. The more players the easier it should be, like BWL. Common sense isnt so common.
Plus you dont even have any logs so i doubt you even ran it

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My first raid trucked every boss up to cthun it was clearly overtuned. 2nd raid went to ouro wiped once and the boss disappeared.

This is the first week and people still have to learn the fights. It’s an absolute snoozefest if you can walk in and slap every boss with a pug on the very first week. Some progression is good and the raids shouldn’t be catered to the lowest common denominator.


People are so soft these days, everyone wants instant gratification.

It is the first lockout of the release. Why do you want the whole raid to be beatable by every pug on week 1? Do you not want a sense of accomplishment once you down the tough boss you were stuck on for a lockout or two? It’s been out for 4 days. Go back in this week, get more gear for the raid, perfect the mechanics, come back fully consumed and keep making progress. You know, progression. :clown_face:


Does every raid need to be pug friendly?

Surely we can have ONE raid that is actually hard?

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You saw the logs you saw which were from an AQ Hardmode launch that was ruined from the start, where we couldn’t do anything due to the Raid ID.
We were also only in there for about an hour.
You can continue to skate around the situation, though.

It’s a classic raid, not a heroic wotlk, cata, or retail raid. It’s supposed to be relatively easy.

Nobody wants to spend 5 hours progging a 20 year old raid and end up getting hard stuck because of a bug blizz didn’t fix that was in PTR.

60% of the guilds that actually did the raid with 20 people (normal and hardmode) that beat the third boss failed to beat the 4th boss fankriss.

If you want challenging raids that require weeks of prog, why are you still playing sod? No other sod raid has been like this and the few difficult encounters have all been nerfed.

Making the above average guilds spend weeks progging aq and the casuals/pugs unable to ever complete it will just drive players away.


I’m sorry, but who ever said a “Hardmode/Heroic” version of ANY thing is still to be considered “easy”?

Stop begging for nerfs when you can easily clear this with more repetitions/revised strategies, or better gear.
It’s a weak-minded mentality.

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ez or hard by intentional design , you may have a point.

if its due to bugs of too many spawning way too fast sometimes and not at all other times, well there is a problem with that as its not consistent at all.

i would guess there will be “nerfs” as some of the spawning issues are clearly not intentional and some of the other issues like huhuran keeping enrage after you wipe on her the whole time is silly too.

so ya . some “nerfs” should happen as they arent clearly intended.

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I’m sorry
. Challenge? Progression? Is that why 400k players quit during Ulduar and XT-002?
. Hard content and classic are like fire and oil. Where is the mass of people clearing firelands. Wake up and open your eye’s. Fix the bugs or nerf it, next!


Only 4 guilds in the US and EU have full cleared the raid and beat cthun on normal mode.

It’s not just hardmode that’s the problem.

These people need to open their eye’s, if the dad gamers leave this game mode is finished. End of. Fix the bugs or nerf, NEZT!

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How the hell you pugging “just fine” up to C’Thun? I don’t believe that for a second.

My guild ran it with 25 and we couldn’t get past twin emps.


Failure? You ran the raid 6 times in a lockout? Sounds like you enjoy it. You are upset because you didnt full clear first run or what? How long has it been out? You had runs with all but last boss or two down on heroic and your upset cuz you have to do some prog?

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Where are you getting these numbers?
45 Guilds have full cleared “Heroic” with WCL to show for it.

Same site as you. Change it to normal and let me know how many have cleared normal cthun 20 man.

Hard mode isn’t the problem. The raid is over tuned for 20 people normal and hard mode, it’s filled with bugs that won’t even let you progress on some bosses.


Maybe the pug was super good, or maybe your group was doing it wrong. We pugged up to cthun (non hard mode) with 18 people. Alternatively, my guild on my main went in with 23 and couldnt get past fankriss. There could definitely be inconsistencies and bugs abound.

My experience with twin emps was a one shot-- 2 tanked with a lock and paladin, melee did the usual swap, ranged attacked spell caster, avoided explody bugs.