I quit retail today

How is anything I said in that line you linked false?

That doesn’t explain why the horde was already soo dominant in terms of raiding in Legion.

Your overall view point is wrong.

Creating a system that requires you to make a toon you intend to discard (or pay to swap) is bad design.

It is particularly egregious for new players who may not realize how long it takes to level, or that certain class/race combos aren’t available (so you can’t even pay to race change), etc.

The first thing you encounter when after the login screen and picking a server is the character selection/creation screen. The last thing you want to do is make it seem like a part of your game is locked behind a pay wall or long grinds on your subscription based game.

You can’t see how that would be a major turn off to some people? Especially people who don’t have a large time/money investment in your game (sunk cost fallacy).


So instead of making the character they may want to MAIN…the first time, they have to roll and level a throw away just to get to the race they WANT to actually play as a main…and then start all over again. lol


Why force people to not use the mog that they want from the get go? Why do I have to kill some bosses from 15 years ago if I want to use the judgement set? And why can’t I use the Judgement set on my DK?

This is what you come off as sounding like.

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Except you can earn those on the character you actually intend to play.

Great question. This probably shouldn’t be a thing either.

Also… a new player wouldn’t inherently know about the judgement set from the character selection screen.

You are equating character creation to a gear cosmetic and they just are not the same thing. Not even remotely in the same ballpark.


I just fail to see why locking cosmetics behind an achievement is a problem, especially when it’s an achievement for 1: hitting level 45 or 50 and 2: doing 1 or 2 questlines that unlock at that level, and then it’s permanently unlocked on your account.

Yes, allied races are dumb.

So why do you want to play them so bad you are rage quitting over the effort needed to be able to play them?


lmao…not even close to being the same. that crap is all playing the game to get to the end.
rolling a throw away to get to start all over again aint even in the same ball park lol


they should make allied race in the store for 30 $ each if you don’t want to quest

it doesnt affect others players anyway

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If you couldn’t do a racechange for gold, you might have a point, but that capability exists within the existing game.

Nightborne is pretty easy to unlock. I think now the quest arent dailies but I could be wrong. And you just have to complete wq every now and then. Same goes to avoid Elves although they could be a hassle. But im not going to quit over a game just because I can’t play a certain race that I may not actually end up playing.

But I do agree that the restriction should go away in 10.0.

the races are pretty good, most of them. I think I have them all on this account.
the one Im less fond of is the mechagnomes. The suck for transmog, which is most of my game.
When they were new, sure, let those of us who already had mains work to get them.
now you have new players coming in with the new leveling, let them just play the frikking things, like they now get flight in WoD and legion without doing the work.
stop making old crap like this such a hassle and let people play the game.

my guess is its the ‘all my hard work’ sorts who are fighting against this kind of thing. the game achievements have WAY too much personal importance so they fight against others being able to have cool stuff.

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yeah you can rush it in 1 day , it take like 5 hours .

The last quest is to do 10 dailies , so if u can’t do the pet world quest , you have to wait dailies to respawn

i did it on a lvl 60 druid

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you cant race change to an allied till you ‘do the work’ to get it lol
its a stupid restriction at this point. just let people play the races.


I want to be able to play the game without needing to play the game!


See you in 4 weeks complaining about something else lol

Some peoples kids eh?


It’s not that bad, you just don’t like it.

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Just like you can’t use transmog until you buy it or grind it out. If you want this changed, you should use the 10.0 beta feedback boards to voice this desire, and do it in a way that doesn’t come off as “give me thing for free because I don’t want to do work to get thing that was already easily obtainable.”

Suramar needs to be streamlined so there is no rep gating, and you can just continually quest through the story.


A Ertle made it to the Forums