The questline is pretty long tbf, moreso if you didn’t do Legion before. They shoulda just said, “Buy expansion, get the races” and be done with it. I only have Vupera, Velf and LF and LF is just kinda freebie on the way to get Velf.
Vulp wasn’t too bad but Velf, Jesus…
So… you didn’t want to put in the work to unlock something and for that reason you’re gone?
Yeah, sorry, this game ain’t for you.
It’s not even remotely difficult to unlock them now.
If you had made this complaint while the rep requirements were still there, I could see it being an issue, especially for a new player. It’s quite a lot to expect a player to grind to exalted with reputations from previous expansions just to unlock a race. But that’s why they removed the requirement to get the reputations.
Now it’s just ‘get to max level and do a quest chain or two’.
Oh well.
Before you go can I have your stuff? Someone may aa well use it.
That’s a thing that kind of irks me about when playing Alliance — is that they forcefully shove ‘HuMaN pOtEnTiAl!’ down our throats, rather unnecessarily hard.
Like, give us some other races potential other than humans - heck even if its a race in the Alliance that was inspired by actions of the humans and did some cool $#!% – I’d be happy.
It’s even worse when you want to play something like Shaman or Druid, and the only race you can stand to play as those classes are Allied races.
I want Z Troll so bad. But I will never, ever, ok maybe in like 2 years time, do the BFA campaign.
While I agree allied races should be easier to get in 10.0 (questline only instead of achievement), you clearly didn’t uninstall.
its the same crap with the Pathfinder lovers.
“you get it by playing the game”
“wait wut? you gave away all my hard work getting flight???”
They cant make up their minds if its hard work or you get the crap just by playing the game.
You poor thing, having to play the game to play the game. That’s just wrong.
I wish you well in classic (though you didn’t say you were staying there it was implied).
Thanks for sharing.
I guess hitting level 45 and doing a quest line is too much effort for some people.
Why though? Why force players to make a toon on a race they don’t want? Require them to level it to 45, go do some quests, only to have to pay to race change, or abandon the toon altogether and start over on the race they actually wanted.
Is it " a lot of effort" … yeah kind of for something that is completely throw away.
Bad design is bad design.
Make allied races available from the get-go.
Then stick the heritage armor behind whatever achievements, quest lines, reps, etc… at that point it is only cosmetic and can be earned on the actual toon/class/race you intend to keep.
Bad design is bad design.
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s bad design. Who would have thought that you have to grind to unlock something that is basically a cosmetic, with a bit of utility attached?
It sounded good on paper but in the end I ended up playing the old core races after painfully unlocking all of them.
Who would have thought that you have to grind to unlock something that is basically a cosmetic, with a bit of utility attached?
Except it isn’t.
If it was free to race change sure. If you could do it in the barbershop sure.
But no, you need to pay to swap or literally make a different toon.
It is bad design, whether I like it or not. Both things can be true.
Actually no. Having to level and grind content on a throwaway character you never intend or want to play in order to unlock the character you do want to play is one of the worst time wasting mechanics in the game.
I get it. You support wasting other people’s time by slamming them with feelbad moments, because 9 million people who had feelbad moments and left since the start of wow are surely a minority, right?
You’re probably one of those who just says, “Just play the game normally”, as though having to go back to grind old content for months on a character you never want to play again is in any way a “normal” way to play.
My prediction is that allied races were a failed experiment and we won’t see anymore
I quit retail today
I dont know whats worse. You not actually giving them game a chance or you feeling the need to tell us you quit.
Why tell us? We dont know you. If you quit eating at a restaurant do you go to every table and tell the other diners them you are never coming back and why?
But no, you need to pay to swap or literally make a different toon.
Barber shop costs gold, you can race change for gold also (gold->wow token->bnet balance->race change)
Why tell us? We dont know you. If you quit eating at a restaurant do you go to every table and tell the other diners them you are never coming back and why?
I see it bothers you that someone won’t help you cover up for Blizzard’s mistakes. Good.
My prediction is that allied races were a failed experiment and we won’t see anymore
I think the biggest failure turned out to be that when you put a separate team on each one (or each faction, perhaps), the end results are no way equivalent. I believe that one of the factors in faction imbalance is the fact that BfA alliance allied races are much more complicated and require a lot more work than Horde ones.
I see it bothers you that someone won’t help you cover up for Blizzard’s mistakes. Good.
Oh wow talk about overreaching. Thats like me saying I heard something in the woods and you replying with “You hate wolves dont you?”
The OP is incredibly irrational and you are worse my friend
you can race change for gold also (gold->wow token->bnet balance->race change)
Which you would have to earn on said throw away character again.
You are wrong.