I quit my guild today because of ninja looting

Just like nobody believes his story. Funny how that works huh?

If you need evidence I will believe him, then I’ll prove it by saying I got the SS

Ehhh, lawyers get paid win or lose.


Correct. I win either way. Because the course can be concluded wether it’s true or not

Accept the add my guy.

OP has provided proof of his scenario via screenshot. I now have logical reason to believe it happened beyond hearsay

After reviewing the evidence, I conclude:

OP you are correct for leaving the guild - especially if you refuse to be around people who do that.

If your standards are to not withhold loot to someone based on bad performance as this guy in the Ss states, I definitely support your decision.

Case closed

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Not unless he screenied the loot rules being discussed prior to the raid in a Blizzard chat.

You know, in the raid he didn’t attend.

Is Glinda a known troll or did my post just make them really mad for some reason?

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Name calling is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

It is a very well known troll.


My pronouns are he, or she.

I’d report them at the very least, idk theres a level of ‘asbolute potato bad’ I can see, but at that point you just kick them from the group if they’re that bad. Dragging them through to not give them loot is nuts.


Bad opinions are definitely wrong.

Dude if you google “GDKP Pot Ninja’d” on google there are tons of videos and clips of the final pot being ninja looted you absolute cringe-lord. Purposely spreading false information just to fit your narrative about GDKPs being positive is disgusting. Take yourself out to the trash.

They literally have entire discords dedicated to listing GDKP pot ninja looters.

Sorry but I don’t see any of these videos that you speak of and everyone I know who has done lots of GDKPs have said that this never happens.

Thank you for your input, though. Have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile:

Literally fast forward to 39 minutes into the video on here and the GDKP leader “Disconnects” and never comes back after auctioning off all the items. AKA Ninja loots the entire pot.

Just because you have never experienced it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I’ve personally never experienced someone ninja looting an item in ANY raid…but to say it doesn’t happen is cringe and weird.


EDIT: I can’t believe I actually had to google for you…like how low can you get.

Thank you for agreeing with me that a GDKP has never been ninja’d

I’ve never run a GDKP…sorry can’t feign this one you cringe lord. I linked you a video, you gonna respond to your earlier comment about GDKPs never being ninja looted? Or are you going to walk away in shame?

I’d like to file an Amicus brief with the court if I may?

Whether or not the OP is truthful in the event happening is immaterial to the question in the hypothetical situation that it did happen.

That is to say does your opinion on what a person should do really change whether the OP is telling the truth or is just presenting a hypothetical situation?

The answer of course is No, your course of action does not differ in either case.

So what is with the court case drama?


GDKPs have never been ninja looted… obviously the video you linked was an elaborate practical joke.

It is ninja looting.

if someone wins a roll they win the item. Your feelings don’t matter. If you take their loot because you feel like it, it’s ninja looting.

You can’t set loot rules and then change them because you feel angry.

OP did the right thing by leaving that corrupt guild.

I’ve won BIS daggers twice in guild runs for guilds I wasn’t in. They were mad both times but gave me the loot.

If you keep loot from guild members or PUGs who win the items in fair rolls you are a ninja and can actually be reported to Blizzard for doing so. It’s against the TOS. If you set loot rules before a run you must abide by those rules.

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