I quit my guild today because of ninja looting

I legit don’t understand you lol.

OP: So I went to the store yesterday.

Lazrak: Prove it.

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Dang it man, stand strong. This is the most Reddit like thread I have had on these forums. I need this right now.

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Thumbnail how? I will literally do it just to get you to shut up about this burden of proof nonsense.

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I don’t moderate, so I can’t say for certain. You’d probably also have to black out all the names and the guild names.

In any case, they are trolling/goading you for their own amusement.

Not unless you have a screenie of the loot rules being discussed in a Blizzard owned chat channel.

The trolling isn’t gonna stop with the screenshot, I guarantee it lol

Next will be “well prove that you took that screenshot you could have photoshopped that. That’s why you didn’t post it sooner”

Yes if you show the screenshot then we will have reason to believe you. Then, Glinda and I can give you a rational assessment of the scenario. We can’t do that without seeing it for ourselves

True, true.

That hurts.


I will rely on your continued lawyering to save me, sir.

Nope, he shows the SS then that’s enough for me to believe it happened and I can rationally assess the scenario

Unlike your stories about raids you didn’t attend.

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So insanely strange you’d need that to interact with a story on the internet.

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I am asking you how to post it, my guy! As I said, the forums won’t lemme drop a link.

You want it on Discord? In-game? Print and mailed? What?

Lots of stories on the internet.

Are they all true?

We have no evidence that supports your assertation that it will be enough evidence at this time.

As such I have advised my client to withhold the screenshot on account of “Give a mouse a cookie, it will want a glass of milk”

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Edit 10char

Nope, he is going to send it to me via discord.

After I review the evidence, if the Ss matches his claim, that would be proving it.

We can then assess the scenario

Nobody believes that buddy. I suppose the great irony in trolling people calling them a liar is that they themselves look like the biggest liar…