I propose a solution to Timewalking

I agree, and the disconnect between player types is happening due to modern WoW design flaws.
Like I mentioned in the comment you replied to, blizz is putting every kind of player in the same pot and saying “k go”, with reckless abandonment, no consideration for the user experience.
With that said and everyone aware of the actual issue instead of holding onto their emotional knee-jerk reactions; nobody should be expecting farm players to slow their role so you can pretend you’re being effective with a “rotation”.
I see your dps in M+, stop clowning. You couldn’t care less to get your rotation right.

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This is the crux of the issue that actually exists. It was simpler in Vanilla. Everyone was leveling the same content at the same time, and dungeons had level requirements. Once you met them, you progressed to the next level. Scaling was not a bad solution, especially when it had a cap. Timewalking seems to be the antithesis of what the dungeon experience should be.

Unless we go back to Classic and forego all of the QoL improvements, we will never get to experience the originality of things like VanCleef’s DeadMines again. I feel like TW did it right when it was a level cap only thing to help distract capped players from daily content. Now it feels less like a fun run, and more like Barrens Chat… amplified.

Oh oh, not that I am better, but any links? I am too lazy to look myself.

that was just a general “you people”.
People trying to pretend they care to do dmg in TW when they can’t for the life of them do dmg in a dungeon or key.

Sokath, his eyes open!
Darmok and Jalad, on the ocean.


If logical.

When it comes to M+, if their spec isnt the best and others do objectively better, they complain.

Hopefully, Darmok and Jalad, at rest.

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This is true for some people but for most it’s a strawman. There’s a point where you’re competitive and helping but not the best, and there’s a point where you’re just running behind useless.

Thats something I would step into mythic for. None of the current dung really interest me and Ide rather just pay the gold for the boost for the mount and title. This season has drained me already in PvP.

Seems like this is just another case of a very small minority of people complaining about a none issue

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It’s not worth it, it’s directly a loss of dps to go for what was a timewalking set. Go for azerite trait armor? They’re hundreds of stats lower than max level.

the irony coming from that worgen lmao

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Nah. Let the people who hate fun have their own queue. Let the people who don’t care if a lvl 11 comes in and blows everything up continue to have their fast runs.

Honestly, both him and the OP have left me shaking my head. One questioning trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist, when they did the same. And the other trying to fix a nonexistent problem they claimed didn’t exist by scaling content for level 80 only after claiming there was no scaling issue to fix, while not even knowing that Timewalking dungeon scaling was changed.

It’s all mind boggling to me.

This worked in PvP. Should also work in PvE.

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The problem with queue times is that tank and healer don’t feel rewarding to play. But since they’re not going to fix that, we probably should not be slivering the queues up even more.

I think this is a great idea. Then if the twink folks want to speed run the thing in 3 minutes, they can do that in ‘normal’. I would hope they don’t make it insanely overtuned like 0=10 mythics. There’s this - medium - area that would be GREAT.

I mean, there’s a group of folks that want to Go Fast, yet when it’s so fast that looting - seems to “take too long” - something’s amiss, to me.

Then don’t do them.

Is this the Beasty Boys?

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The question is answered in my comment you quoted. Again, that’s the point of this post, to propose how to make it more enjoyable.

As it is currently implemented, you blast through it all, especially with a lvl 11 xp locked fury warrior. So of course people wouldn’t run it much without the weekly.