I propose a solution to Timewalking

I missed the part where doing TW dungeons was enjoyable.

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I just had a thought due to something I may have inhaled so I don’t have a seizure… Eminem and Dr. Seuss rap about WoW.


If they weren’t enjoyable to some degree, no one would do them. You lost the topic and the credibility. Folks are on to your responses.

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That’s kind of the point of this post. It’s not enjoyable if you blast through all of it, and if you wouldn’t enjoy it either way, then don’t run them. Pretty simple concept.

Its the only way these are enjoyable. Slowly crawling through these old dungeons for the Xth time is not fun.

I run them because it is part of the weekly quest rotation to do so. Do you think they would be run, outside of leveling alts if they didn’t have a quest tied to them? Serious question.

Do you even hear yourself?
You are all “me, me, me,” while dismissing other peoples’ fun.
Min/maxing is fun.
Having goals is fun.
Try that instead of pretending content you can afk is content at all. Just go read a book or watch a movie at that point.

And most importantly, people moving faster than your snail’s pace are just adapting to the TW nurfs to XP, badge rewards, and scaling.
Blizz put us all in the same queue, so be it.
You can’t handle the nurfs, and you’re getting left behind. You are your own problem as I can imagine you don’t have the wherewithal to appropriately point the finger at Blizzard who engineered this whole issue.
“me, me, me” though, right?
God, shut tffffffffffff up.

Sweats and lazies want a higher power to carry them, or else they would be on board for removing lvl 11s outdpsing them in their mythic + gear.

But by the logic it will still happen as they will just be carried by other people…

You’re welcome :rofl:


Getting to use my rotation and contributing is also fun… for me… and some other random person I’m sure.

I find the twink speed leveling me so I can play endgame faster fun


There is no issue with time walking.


I tried to tell him, but he doesn’t listen. Good luck!


Or turn off your dps meter and stop worrying about them. If you are doing TW for anything other than transmogs, you probably need to re evaluate how you gear in game.


But you’re totally not, amirite? Pot, Kettle; Kettle, Pot.

Again, there’s a difference between fun and dopamine. A distinction clearly lost on you. People keep telling me “Timewalking doesn’t matter!”. Cool. So why are you doing it? Why are you contesting changes to it if it doesn’t matter?

Playing games is also fun. Which is what I want more of.

Maybe if you want to AFK “content” instead of playing it you should go read a book?

“Engineered” gives them way too much credit. Check my post history, buddy. I’ve leveled plenty of criticsm at Blizzard. They screwed up scaling ROYALLY when it’s such a trivial thing to get right. They forced XP-Off-ers into their own PvP queues but not their own PvE queues. That was also a big mistake.

I just kicked this freestyle to my partner. She loved it.


But they aren’t. They haven’t made claims that they want to change the way people play. They have in fact advocated for you to use all the available tools you have, provided by Blizzard, so that you don’t have to worry about dealing with Twinks.

Because it only matters in the context of having to do your weekly quest. If they got rid of the weekly quest most people, not all, but most would entirely stop doing them. Then you would have queues that would be impossibly long and force Blizzard into merging them with current Chromie Time dungeons and you would be back to dealing with twinks.

Which you have a million options to do so with, TW being a very very tiny sliver of those options.

What is screwed up about it? I keep hearing this but haven’t encountered any issues with scaling whatsoever. You aren’t meant to spend a month leveling anymore. Scaling is designed to get you to the current content faster. If you want slower leveling where old dungeons matter, Blizzard introduced that, it is a drop down option in the Blizzard launcher called Classic.

I used to do it all the time back in the 90s (late teens early twenties) and when Eminem showed up, I was hooked at a whole new level :rofl:

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It is enjoyable when you tear through it. That’s the same reason that people enjoy Easy mode on Halo or turning on invulnerability/infinite ammo cheats in old games, tearing through the easy stuff.

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