I propose a solution to Timewalking

So if I want to run time walking on my PvP locked character I have to settle for longer queue times because your fee fees got hurt by a monk or fury war in an inconsequential dungeon?


Nope! I don’t care if a level 11 carries me, in fact that is my favorite way for the game to go. This is only for those people who keep crying about twinks on the forums.

Think of this as a social experiment. The reality is that they don’t want harder TW dungeons because then they wouldn’t do them. They are just screaming because they have nothing better to do. You can look at my post history, I have been defending twinks for the last week.

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In other game modes people would be charging gold for these types of services lmao

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If you want to make a post, try not to cherry pick to make it.

You do realize that Timewalking dungeons are Heroic versions, right?

That’s the sad part.

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Did you want to be the pot, or the kettle? I have about 14 examples of you cherry picking in another thread about TW scaling.


Nah, i’ma keep carrying you on my level locked characters. :smiling_imp:

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Oh please! I would be delighted to see them.

Not sure OP realizes anything about how TW works. Might be that romper hood falling down and covering his eyes, :rofl:

Here you go. Just scroll through to your last 14 posts.

I mean he’s partially correct, TW dungeons use the heroic version of dungeons that have heroic versions (visible in the mechanical differences). It’s not really applicable here because classic dungeons do not have heroic so there is no mechanical complexity to be added or taken away, just numbers.

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Exactly. OP is trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. It’s like a hammer in search of a nail, and all we have are bolts.

None of which is cherry picking.

So I don’t get to “decide what other people find fun” but you get to decide what other people will do. GJ, Kettle.

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You really should try to stay on topic. You’re off talking about cherry picking. The more important discussion is how your suggestion fixes nothing to a problem that doesn’t exist.


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Yep, but in this case, he is the pot. Kettles would never wear that romper. :rofl:

is the new goalpost after talking about cherrypicking didn’t work.

Now you want to talk about football? OP, are you good? Your posting seems highly erratic.