I pay $12 for FFXIV. Why pay $15 for Classic?

11/10/2018 01:39 PMPosted by Destroynme
Paying $15 dollars for an old game that was already released is just too much.

Say your favorite restaurant stops serving your favorite meal. You try their new menu for several years, they're pretty subpar, but you keep going there in hopes their quality of food will improve. You even try many different restaurants that aren't bad, but can't compare to the food you got at your favorite restaurant. You demand for many years the restaurant brings back your favorite meal and finally upon many many requests they add your favorite meal back to the menu. They refused you every time you asked, other customers would go out of their way to tell you on behalf of the restaurant why you can't have your meal. Finally they cave, you get served the same meal you remember, it has some slightly different ingredients, but over all it tastes exactly the same. Then when your bill comes and they charge you no more than they always do and you're bothered because they should be charging less since it's an old recipe.

It's like demanding that Coca-Cola drops the price of their soda products because the recipes they use have been around since before many of us were even born. Or how bout someone selling a very pricey one of a kind vintage vehicle? What! I'm not paying that much for a vintage car, it's old and therefor should be cheaper. Technically speaking Blizzard could charge more for WoW because of inflation, least they're only asking normal fee and not asking for some premium classic fee or something.

Furthermore I'd place my bets that you spend more than 15 bucks daily on things you don't need...this is 15 bucks a month. I'm poor myself, but 15 bucks a month really isn't much. If its gonna break your bank to pay it, then I think you've got far bigger problems going on than worrying about being able to afford a game, like just living in general...or you need to learn to do better financing. If it's a problem of "I don't wanna" which it sounds more like then I mean...sorry lol, I guess classic just doesn't mean to you what it means to everyone who's willing to pay normal fees.
Your absolutely right you shouldn't have to pay $15 a month for a game, no one is forcing you to pay for it.
Vanilla WoW is 1000000x better than any other game and you also get access to current expansion.
uuuummmm classic wow is free you are paying $15 for bfa.2 mmos for the price of 1.
11/10/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Locgar
uuuummmm classic wow is free you are paying $15 for bfa.2 mmos for the price of 1.

Not if we don't want to play live. That's the issue.
A product is available -> buy it if you want it.
The decision is yours.
servers cost money to keep up, you're paying $15 for BFA, paying $15 for Classic, or paying $15 for both depending on what angle you're coming from
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11/10/2018 05:27 PMPosted by Espur
Not if we don't want to play live.
No one is saying you have to. Just download the Classic client and go from there. You don't need retail to play classic. Just gametime.
I don't think this thread went the way OP figured it would.
11/10/2018 04:06 PMPosted by Mizterdots
11/10/2018 01:39 PMPosted by Destroynme
Paying $15 dollars for an old game that was already released is just too much.

Say your favorite restaurant stops serving your favorite meal. You try their new menu for several years, they're pretty subpar, but you keep going there in hopes their quality of food will improve. You even try many different restaurants that aren't bad, but can't compare to the food you got at your favorite restaurant. You demand for many years the restaurant brings back your favorite meal and finally upon many many requests they add your favorite meal back to the menu. They refused you every time you asked, other customers would go out of their way to tell you on behalf of the restaurant why you can't have your meal. Finally they cave, you get served the same meal you remember, it has some slightly different ingredients, but over all it tastes exactly the same. Then when your bill comes and they charge you no more than they always do and you're bothered because they should be charging less since it's an old recipe.

It's like demanding that Coca-Cola drops the price of their soda products because the recipes they use have been around since before many of us were even born. Or how bout someone selling a very pricey one of a kind vintage vehicle? What! I'm not paying that much for a vintage car, it's old and therefor should be cheaper. Technically speaking Blizzard could charge more for WoW because of inflation, least they're only asking normal fee and not asking for some premium classic fee or something.

Furthermore I'd place my bets that you spend more than 15 bucks daily on things you don't need...this is 15 bucks a month. I'm poor myself, but 15 bucks a month really isn't much. If its gonna break your bank to pay it, then I think you've got far bigger problems going on than worrying about being able to afford a game, like just living in general...or you need to learn to do better financing. If it's a problem of "I don't wanna" which it sounds more like then I mean...sorry lol, I guess classic just doesn't mean to you what it means to everyone who's willing to pay normal fees.

Not the worst analogy I've seen, but it doesn't account for the likely fact that WoW: Classic requires significantly less cost, time and resources to develop compared to the development of the game when it first came out. WoW: Classic has the benefit of not having to create ANY content for the game whatsoever. All the team is doing is reviving an old build of the game, shaping it to work with modern architecture and then ironing out the bugs. A massive undertaking, yes, but not near as massive of an undertaking as creating vanilla from scratch was.

Your analogy would better reflect the nature of the discussion and the relationship between original development and WoW: Classic's development if we were to amend things here and there. It would be like saying that your hypothetical restaurant, in choosing to bring back old recipes and menu items, somehow had ALL of the ingredients that it is ever going to need to once again serve the old menu items; because that's what WoW: Classic has. WoW: Classic has all of the ingredients / content that it is ever going to need already created for it, meaning that the cost of development must be significantly less than it originally was.

From a provider perspective, being able to sell a revived product or service for the original price at significantly less cost is a blessing. From a consumer perspective, especially in a Classic-only player's case, it feels a bit sour to see that these Classic-only players will be forced to pay the same $15 monthly fee as someone that exclusively plays modern WoW. Classic-only players that want to play on a revived, older and stagnant build of the game are going to be paying the same monthly fee as people who are exclusively playing the ever-evolving modern WoW. Instead of providing a separate, standalone and more reasonable $7.99 - $9.99 monthly fee for the players that exclusively want to play Classic (and Blizzard knows that there are loads of them), they lumped it together with modern WoW in order to boost potential revenue from sales.

Personally, I will be playing both versions of WoW and will thus benefit from the forced bundle of both games. However, I feel for the Classic-only players that do not have the option to opt in for a cheaper, classic-exclusive subscription, especially when they have to pay as much money as modern-exclusive players to play a revived, older build of the game that already has all of its content created for it.
11/10/2018 01:45 PMPosted by Falnear
11/10/2018 01:39 PMPosted by Destroynme
If I can pay $12 to play FFXIV which is a modern mmo that receives constant updates, I shouldn't have to pay $15 to play an old MMO that's already been released and is getting unnecessary changes.

Well. Don't. What's the issue?
I mean if you really don't want to pay it then don't play it. Its really that simple. If blizz really does classic right then I am totally down to pay 15$.
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The standard subscription fee for FFXIV is $14.99
If you guys don't want to spend $15 for WoW then don't. Nothing wrong with that.

I made the decision that BFA is not worth paying for and unsubbed. Classic probably will be. What's the problem?
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11/10/2018 01:39 PMPosted by Destroynme
I shouldn't have to pay $15

Boohoo. Build a bridge, and get over it.
11/10/2018 01:54 PMPosted by Phront
For me, Classic is going to be a "free gift" because I'm gonna be subscribed anyway.
BFA gets released
Forum is filled with "i quit" threads
Blizzard releases 6 month sub mount
Blizzard does quarterly review
Blizzard announces that MAUs are identical to last quarter (thanks sub mount)
Big fat whales still think paying for something is "free"

Wew lads.
11/10/2018 08:24 PMPosted by Apropos
11/10/2018 01:54 PMPosted by Phront
For me, Classic is going to be a "free gift" because I'm gonna be subscribed anyway.
BFA gets released
Forum is filled with "i quit" threads
Blizzard releases 6 month sub mount
Blizzard does quarterly review
Blizzard announces that MAUs are identical to last quarter (thanks sub mount)
Big fat whales still think paying for something is "free"

Wew lads.

Yea, I honestly don't know why I decided to have a conversation about WoW on the WoW forums. Blizzard could force us to buy Diablo immortal for $25 a month and throw in both WoW original and current and the forums would be talking about how great of a deal it is since we get 2 games for free. Most of these people don't understand the concept of being forced to pay for something you don't want (a reason cable is dying) or they just are skimming through what people are saying and blindly defending Blizzard.

I'm not poor, but I'm not gonna pay money to essentially fund current WoW or other projects. I don't really like modern Blizzard in general either, but I do love classic WoW. While I'm not poor, I am strict with my money and when something seems like bull!@#$ I'll just wait it out to see the outcome. I've waited a long time for actual classic WoW, but if they're gonna pull some Activision %^-* like what they did with COD 4 being bundled with Ghost, then I'll just keep my money. I'm not gonna pay extra for a game I'll never pay. Modern WoW is terrible and none of my friends play it anyways.

TLDR: Don't pull an Activision and bundle garbage with the wanted product. If I haven't subbed to modern WoW yet, this won't change it. Give me a reasonable price.
11/10/2018 10:58 PMPosted by Destroynme
I'm not gonna pay money to essentially fund current WoW or other projects.

then don't
11/10/2018 10:58 PMPosted by Destroynme
I don't really like modern Blizzard in general either, but I do love classic WoW.

modern Blizzard is the one providing Classic WoW
11/10/2018 10:58 PMPosted by Destroynme
I'm not gonna pay extra for a game I'll never pay.

you wouldn't be, you'd paying $15 a month for a Classic WoW subscription
11/10/2018 10:58 PMPosted by Destroynme
If I haven't subbed to modern WoW yet, this won't change it.

i really like your level 110 hunter
11/10/2018 10:58 PMPosted by Destroynme
Give me a reasonable price.

like $15 a month?
11/10/2018 01:43 PMPosted by Cybertilded
FFXIV =/= Classic wow

So because the sub of 1 game is x amount then the sub of another game should be x.

Terrible threads from terrible people.

That about sums up half the new threads I'm seeing. Everyone complaining, everyone moaning. Suck it up and enjoy this blessing Blizz is giving us instead of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

And really? $3 monthly is the straw that broke the camel's back? Cut back on one Big Mac a month, there it's paid for.

Seriously, trash thread.
BOI if you dont get