I paid for ESO plus today. im officially cheating :\

Well, what does it plays like now? Is it sandbox like elderscroll or theme park? How the combat? Dont keep us in suspense!

My sub has 15 days left. Still on the fence. Good for you. If you have friends, play with them. If not, do WTF you want.


Go have fun.

Never played ESO, but really enjoyed FF XIV; but it took me until level 35 to really understand why I was enjoying it.

Carry on.

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Ooo but PoF is amazing! At least Iā€™ll always have my Skyscale. No stupid pathfinder.

Youā€™re a hero.
I bought every expansion before greymoor but didnā€™t really play.

I heard about the event and house and bought greymoor on sale and Iā€™ve been at it every since

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Adjusts shoulders

I wanted to like ESO because I crave a game with a deeper crafting system than the joke that has been wowā€™s crafting system for years, but eso felt really janky to me I think I made it to the first major city and was introduced to bounties and meandered off like a bored child with ADHD. FF17 I keep meaning to try for real but just havent gotten around to it but iv heard its got a pretty nifty crafting system too.

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GW2 is definitely one of my favorites. Itā€™s a great game, at least in my opinion. I have played it on and off since the first closed beta. The old world is my favorite and really enjoy doing the content there. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Heart of Thorns though to be honest. I need to give it more of a chance at some point. Path of Fire is quite fun and I absolutely love the mount system ArenaNet did for GW2. Itā€™s different and unique. I love it.

Other games mentioned in this thread are fun to play on occasion too. But FFXIV is a game that I kind of like and really want to get into, but just canā€™t. On occasion I will subscribe and play for a month at most and wonā€™t touch it again for months or years. Just canā€™t really get into that one.

ESO is a good game and a very fun game to go to for a change of pace. I love the Elder Scrolls game and ESO is quite good.

As others have said, SWTOR is a great game for story. I still play that one on occasion. The story canā€™t be beat. They do a great job.

To the OP: Nothing wrong with playing other games! The point of a game is to have fun. I have played many games over the years and still go back and forth basically between all the games mentioned in this thread. GW2 and WoW being the two I spend the most time on.

farm the ebon wolf mount. Its worth it, you may find other leads along the way, and its a great way to learn some dwemer lore

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Why did you buy all the expansions if you didnā€™t play?

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So, FF17 doesnā€™t exist. But FF14 has a crafting system where your crafting professions are actually classes. They also work together and because you can be multiple classes (jobs) on one character, you can level them together as well. Items from one job are necessary to complete recipes from another job. Completing recipes can be as simple as clicking one button, or executing skills to end up with a high quality (HQ) item, which will net you more experience. I have a character with (I think) 7 crafting classes right now. It will definitely eat up some time.

The leveling is also not about grinding out an endless quantity of useless items. Do not go into it like you would WoW crafting if you decide to play. Your most efficient leveling for crafting is through quests that act like, well, purchase orders from various groups.

I have no idea if the crafting is useful in regards to end game or anything like that, but people gave me money (gil) for my stuff and I dumped a LOT of time into the crafting. I suppose the best part for me was that every 5 levels each crafting job has a job quest for (you guessed it) better crafting gear. I suppose WoW was good at preparing me for this because Iā€™ve enjoyed the crafting in and of itself and havenā€™t had to worry about whether or not it was useful. Though, the alchemy has been somewhat useful for the heal pots.

Just substitute ā€˜gatheringā€™ for ā€˜craftingā€™ in the above statement for the gathering jobs.

yeah yeah I hadnā€™t been awake long and braining was difficult at the time.


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Is pof amazing? Iā€™ll be honest with you I play every class in that game but Iā€™m a warrior main and I absolutely hated spellbreaker. I switched to guardian and did the main story but something just felt wrong with it.

I did the entire story the first day the expansion came out and never even got the flying mount.

Iā€™ll probably log back in a month or two before the next expansion and do all the living story and whatever story they throw at usb next

one more thing, ive got a vamp and a werewolf so if you need a bite, just ask, zone chat is super friendly too and plenty of people will give you free bites


Well for me it is, just because Iā€™ve realized I love the game that much more with mounts. Full disclosure some of the mounts are a crazy to earn (mostly the skyscale and griffon). Itā€™s got all the same end game activities + some raids, a few new fractals since HoT, strikes which are quasi raids (part of the last season that just started) + metas obviously. What did you enjoy the most? I like metas a lot even though I rarely have the time to do them (as Iā€™m focused on earning leggies right now). They also changed the dailies for the last 2 living world seasons to give more but only on one map from each, so that does a good job of funneling players to the maps and keeping them from empty. So thereā€™s lots of places to go and things to do. I absolutely love Bjora Marches, the first map from the last season (well 2 if you take into account it was released in 2 parts).

Also, theyā€™re working on making it easier to share legendaries across characters. No word on the feature when it will be released, but I want a full set of leggies just so I can pull any build literally out of my butt and just try it.

Also the mount system is pretty unique and I love that each mount has niche uses, even though i have all.

let me know how you like Im just about to jump ship too.
Blizzard is not a company I want to deal with anymoreā€¦no your not cheating ā€¦

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eso is on sale right now on steam for $8. I think Iā€™m gonna pick it up just to have something to fall back on when I get burned out on WoW. I did try it about a month back when it was like a free play for limited time. I thought it was neat.
I played a summoner class.


I personally love eso. Pound for pound I canā€™t say any mmo is straight up better than wow because wow has so much content from years and years or build up.

You know youā€™re getting an expansion every other year and it has the smoothest combat of any mmo.

With that said the things I love about mmos wow is genuinely the worst at. I like the feeling of running around a world where other people are doing events and helping them. I like questing with good dialogue and world building.

Ff14 has hands down the best story but eso has the best writing in an mmo. The individual quests are just so great and it feels great to just play a game solo or with groups and know that there are even more people around doing things near you.

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ESO controls and interface feels terrible. Floaty attacks, doesnā€™t feel like your abilities connect.

When the strategy on how to play is to learn an animation cancel, itā€™s a bad system.

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Yeah, 14 is NOTHING like Korean MMOs.

This basically ruined the game for me. As soon as I started doing that, I just couldnā€™t any more. Wow it died. I have no idea why. Also ground-based AOEs being so much of my damage as a sorc didnā€™t help either.

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