I wasnt gonna do it.
Since I quit trying to get tusks of mannoroth, my 23 warriors 1 paladin and 1 DK have gone to waste and I just dont feel like playing until shadowlands.
ive been going back and forth between FF14 and ESO and having far more fun than ive had in wow since Legion. FF14 ive always loved I just only play it when I have wow down time since its a very story focused game.
but ESO? never got into it until now. Ive been burning through it and I forgot what it feels like to link up with other players to do things out in the world.
I paid for the sub and feel guilty now.
This post means nothing but yall are my (awful) therapists and (borderline imaginary) friends
Hope you have lots of fun!
I played it a bit with a friend I met in Legion. We’re no longer friends and I don’t enjoy it so much solo. But! It was fun with a friend.
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Nah, it’s not cheating. We have all done it a time or two, or three or. . well. . you get it.
I’ve been tempted to try it out myself.
I was going to try FF14 as well but the game would never connect to the server and at some point I just gave up on trying.
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I could never get into ESO, but I’m about to give SWTOR another chance. I “main” ffxiv, but I understand the feeling of cheating on WoW. Twas my first mmo love.
I say, play what yo enjoy. It helps to keep you from getting burnt out in one game.
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FF14 is fun i’ve been playing it since 1.0 (yes i played 1.0 those were the dark days of FF14) i bought ESO awhile back played it for a few days then got a refund i could never get into that game
I like ESO.
It’s a very cool game to play for a change of pace.
I’ve tried ff14 so many times but I just can’t get into it
Its ui is so ugly and the starting quests are 30 minutes of just talking to random people
Open and honest communication - especially when cheating - is important and it seems you’re doing a good job making your thoughts and feelings come across. You’ll be back. You can’t quit us. We have too many inside jokes and memories.
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Oooh, I second SWTOR for your next break, OP! It’s worth going through the class stories in my opinion.
Someone should give me an argument to play ESO. I love the franchise but have never tired it.
I loved the Imperial Agent storyline and it made me annoyed to hear about EA stopping BioWare wanting to do a fully fledged spy themed game.
but then I’m a sucker for espionage in general.
I’d play that if I had someone to play with …
Funny, I’m letting my ESO+ run out so I can focus on WoW!
It’s a fun game, and I have a guild that does vTrials but … recent changes make tanking & healing really unfun and I’m overall not a fan of the direction they are taking things (i.e. making healers and tanks less necessary for hard/scorepushing content) and there isn’t much to do outside of Trials & Dungeons once you hit cap.
WoW (and to a lesser extend Swtor, which I also play & love) just feels … like there is so much more to do, outside of trials & dungeons. For WoW its collecting and for Swtor those sweet, sweet storylines.
Give it a fresh try they just reworked leveling 3 weeks ago, but unlike wow this game makes you build up to being a hero, however once a hero they dont knock you down to a peon every expac
Also the UI is completely customizable
This is world of warcraft and its forums.
I’ve been playing gw2 in my free time, since BfA isn’t for me. Took me 3 months to craft a legendary, and it felt super sweet. It’s totally normal though to play other stuff, especially when there’s as much downtime as there is right now.
His post is discussing how his current boredom in World of Warcraft, has driven him to another game.
Flagging someone for trolling when they aren’t isn’t going to do anything. My post will just be restored in an hour
ff14 is brilliant. the story alone mops the floor with other games, not even mmos but AAA single player games.
I love it. if it had mythic plus and some better open world content like ESO and GW2 I would say its the best mmo hands down
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