I now understand Alliance pre-mades

Once you play pug Alliance BG’s you very quickly understand Alliance pre-mades; it litearlly makes perfect sense… Just a few pugs is all it takes as an alliance healer to force you to see the light.

Now I understand why I thought (as horde) that allies have better DPS (overall they do), but those DPS only play in Pre-mades. The Pugs on the other hand… oh my god, BRB joining a premade next time I PVP in BG’s.

Sorry allies I get it now.


So what I have discovered about Alliance Pugs are these things.

  1. Allies pugs don’t run flags (WSG), don’t even try to cap half the time in AB.
  2. Allies seem to lack warriors, and allies priests are either gods or the inverse, same goes for their DPS… They’re either insane or just pure crap.
  3. Allies pugs are filled by players looking to get carried by the next guy, but when there is not the next guy to carry them they literally cant win. I now understand why Allies are either in a premade or effectively not doing PVP.
  4. Allies “FRESH” 60’s think this is going to be the place they can go from “Greens” to “Blues” or even “purps” and while this could work if there was some team work, there is no team work so this is not gonna happen.

Take away: Gear up in PVE, and if you want to PVP zone in and zug with full raid gear.

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what game are u playing lol

outside of av horde gets curb stopped we had a 75% losing rate all of classic and som

I will never pvpv as horde again in random bgs ever

Classic Era. I never understood why Allies are ALWAYS in premades… then I pugged… What a mistake. Pugging as horde, it’s hit or miss on ERA, its like 50/50, but generally felt ok.

But my god, pugging allies as a healer… oh god… never again.

How did you have a losing rate that bad on som lol ally were in shambles


tf?? Ally was literally the pvp side

Horde was full on pve

You self reported being bad at the game. Stay ally so I can farm you

Thanks for sharing your experience Harland. I’ve heard similar but I haven’t been playing Era so I wasn’t sure if it’s changed. I’ve also heard that ally premades weren’t the best but maybe that part has changed.

More SoM players rolled ally because that faction was just better in the raids. Few rolled ally for PVP, compared to the horde who did anyway.

I played horde in SoM. I pretty much always played BGs in premades when doing so, but if the horde pugs (vs ally pugs, meaning without even the 5 stacks that were queuing for all 3) were losing WSG/AB it was probably because when someone waits in a queue for a while they tend to try harder to win and get as much as they can.

…Are you trolling?

Horde had like 2 raiding guilds. Horde was not the pve side lmao

Alliance had 1 good premade the entire server life.

Did you even play?

I ran one of the best horde premades.
Random bgs on horde were full blown autisim

Which side had more rank 14s? Hmmm thats right alliance.

Ally had more than 1 good premade thats cap asf

In what world is horde the pve side, Alliance is objectively better for raiding. If alliance has more rank 14s it’s probably because most classic players don’t want to strictly pvp and alliance is the more popular choice for dungeons and raids so the population is just larger. Playing both sides I never noticed a drastic difference in win rate, pug groups are hit or miss on either team.

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Of course ally had more rank 14s, ally had 90% of the player population?

You weren’t in one of the best horde premades. There were 3 real premades on horde and I knew everyone of them. My som team was better than my wsg tournament team.

Alliance had 1 good premade bro, it was Gooner team and that was it.

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or just totally jaded but everything is literally the opposite of what you’re claiming.

What was your character name?

Then you’re blatantly lying I have tons of video footage still. You’re always on these forums running your mouth at people like you’re good at pvp but most of the stuff you say is just comical

You can look up my classic summer bowl tournament team and watch the entire video or skip to the last game where we placed third. Where was your team?

If you’re so confident you played in the best premade on som surely you’ll tell me who your char name was to see if I recognize you?

The fact that you thought alliance were good at all in BGs on som shows me you have no idea wtf you’re talking about.

I actually have proof. Let’s see if you have any.

Character name please

LOL, children, calm down. It’s a game.

I pay Bobby Kotick a decent monthly subscription for the privilege to be angry on these forums.


I need the new pvp system out now… can’t wait to live in bgs. =)

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I’m not going to look up anything because 99% of the time when someone says that I go look and its trash that they think is good which is probably the case here.

Yea I could tell you i was literally on your team and you would have zero proof as the same with you saying thats you in the video just because the names are close or whatever.

I see the way you talk to people and try to talk down to people about pvping.

I pvp in game you pvp on the forums. don’t @ me

Bro, everyone premades because it means better honor per hour. Winning only matters if it can be done fast, if it cant then better to lose fast.

Nobody did them in this system for any other reason lol.

Except for, you know, fun


Now I know you’re just full of it.

Can’t even give me your character name. Insecure

You’re hiding something. You’re a nobody