I notice no one is excited about mechagnomes

They could introduce Basic Campfire as an allied race and some one would hate it. :camping: :fire:

I’ve seen people asking for mechagnomes for awhile. Doesn’t mean it was a large portion asking, but there has been a call for them.

Wow, look at all of those horde likes lmao


People have been asking for playable Mecha-gnomes since we first saw them in Wrath of the Lich King.


Okay that gave me a good chuckle! Well done!

And about people not finding out where Mechagon was even though it’s right next to Kul’Tiras, maybe it’s because the city itself is underground and there was next to nothing on the island itself until recently? It’s possible people saw it and just thought it was a garbage dump island that the Kul’Tiran where using and never bothered asking about it. There’s also the fact that the sentries that follows King Mechagon shoots us down when we try to reach the island, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the people who did come near it where killed and vaporized to dust, prompting others to avoid trying to go there.

It’s hard to tell the real reason until someone from Blizzard actually answers those questions.

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Does it not occur to you that mechagnomes might be what makes some Horde interested in playing Alliance?

Oh it was gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh. The trombones crunched redgold under my bed, and behind my gulliver the trumpets three-wise silverflamed, and there by the door the timps rolling through my guts and out again crunched like candy thunder.

Oh, it was wonder of wonders. And then, a bird of like rarest spun heavenmetal, or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now, came the violin solo above all the other strings, and those strings were like a cage of silk round my bed.

Then flute and oboe bored, like worms of like platinum, into the thick thick toffee gold and silver. I was in such bliss, my brothers.


the only people excited about mechagnomes are, generally, the people who already play gnomes.

me? I went horde to get away from them.

(not really why, but it’s a side benefit)

via Imgflip Meme Generator

time will tell here for sure.

Mag’har imo only keeps its ancestor racial since its short lived and random as hell imo.

even a bad night of roll the bones gone awry on an outlaw is better than this racial. As rogue as least gets an “insurance” trait on azerite pieces for crap rolls. Not much but its something lol.

I like them. I just don’t like how they were done. They should made it so you could customize each limb. Want 3 robo limbs and 1 flesh arm? Ok! Want robo arms but flesh legs? Ok! That and more skin options that give them more of a darker grittier look with tubes and wires visible weaving in and out of their skin, etc.

I want to be able to make a gnome that is hardly recognizable as anything other than an abomination of technology. Like a mix of something from warhammer 40k and the borg from star trek.

Also shamans. It would be great if we could have mecha shamans for the whole lighningy technomancer aesthetic. Obviously the elements don’t like mechagnomes due to what they’ve done around their little island as was mentioned a few times. Easy lore bit would be they just enslave the elements to their will using technology.

I currently have a dwarf shaman (Around level 20) that I made simply for the heritage armor and with the upcoming wildhammer customization. I hate dwarves by the way due to their size combined with their accents and general appearance. Mechagnome shaman would be much more preferable and I would easily delete my dwarf for mecha shaman in a heartbeat.

because theres no one left to play them, they are all faction transferred to play vulpera.



I do like the transhumanism themes that the MGs play into ( Ha booker T and the MGs…obscure reference, yes…). Much like the horde has the forsaken for this motif.

But beyond that, they don’t capture my fancy.

It’s because no one wants junker gnomes and they’re a trash (get it?) allied race with extremely bad customisation and are no where near as unique as vulpera despite vulpera being just a reskin of goblins.

Also, people like attractive/cute races. Junker gnomes are neither of these things. This is the brutal truth.

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I have spoken.

Please! Stop justifying a lie.

This catchphrase that the alliance calls for junkgnomes ( which only came to exist in BfA ) since Wrath of the Lich King, is something said with the greatest disdain for horde players just to cause laughter and ridicule alliance players, as if we didn’t know that diapergnome are neither similar to what was imagined.

The horde may be laughing a lot for more of this fiasco planned by the devs for the alliance players, but there is no way to force the alliance to accept something done with so much contempt as something more than a joke.

Mechagnomes are different from junkgnomes.

No one has asked for gnomes wearing cybernetics because they ripped their legs and arms out of another corrupted Blizzard wish for ally.

People spoke of mechagnomes like the ones in Ulduar.
Not something done to generate memes and mock the alliance.

More than once, devs make a big effort in something they have done that might have brought prestige and value to the alliance and its players in general.

Again, they failed on purpose.

Have Mercy


Sounds like you need a long walk on a short pier to cool off.


I need the Devs or kill the alliance right away or kill the faction concept if they are having so much difficulty in doing something that brings prestige to alliance as much as vulperas it is bringing to the horde.

They managed to go in almost every wrong direction with the alliance in lore and development.

The only thing that was of value to the alliance in BfA was the story of Jaina.

The rest, it was disappointing.