There are people who are happy with the coming of junkgnomes,
There are just a lot fewer people who care about junkgnomes compared to people who are loving the vulperas.
Unfortunately, junkgnomes are another corrupted wish that Blizzard gave to Alliance and yet had the misfortune of being unfavorably placed to compete with a race that has been in the hearts and minds of countless players for 2 years.
Junkgnomes just couldn’t beat a popularity duel, because gnomes have always been a niche with little popularity and appreciation.
Vulpera against junkgnomes, it was like a quaterback against the water-carrying guy, Avengers against Justice League, a Ferrari against a trabant or a Delorean against Herbie.
Once again, Blizzard chose wrong for ally, which we could have received.
Not surprisingly, the massive lack of hype for a race that can’t use transmogs, except one that masks this inability.
Junkgnomes doesn’t even have relevance in BfA.
Your junkland is only for giving us collectables and mechanical mounts but all unrelated to Azshara, N’zoth or the Horde war against the Alliance.
They are something totally disconnected from bfa, so much so that we could not go to mechagon and we would not lose any details.
After all, the most important is the Nazjatar raid and not a junkyard on a hidden island next to Kultiras.
They are such an allied race so doomed to failure that Blizzard tried to bribe players, giving very flashy racial junkgnomes as an encouragement to people to use them but the thing is so badly made that it only degrades any value. what diapergnomes have, because what they have good is only their racial bribery, that if given to stones, would make people use stone because of these racial and not because they like stones.
And to make matters worse, they may even have some value, even after they’ve already suffered nerfs, but the pvp community that values them is disorganized and scattered in the alliance and no end game player will ever get out of the horde to start alliance from scratch. without the community similar to what already exists in the horde today.
And hardly anyone would leave their blood elf / orc / troll for a gnome.
Have Mercy
All Hail Vulperas!!